Example sentences of "together in [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the period since the Second World War , political stability , economic growth , and a broad societal consensus , meant that the constitution as it was , as it was said to be , and as it was said it should be , were all seen as of one , pulling together in mutual support in a way that called for " no change " .
2 The colour is produced by imperfections and impurities in the diamond , for example , a yellow colour results when the diamond contains nitrogen atoms clustered together in equilateral triangles with each nitrogen atom replacing one carbon atom of the perfect diamond ( Figure 4 ) .
3 The lectures are part of a larger programme , designed to bring members of the university and of the local community , to bring them together in serious consideration of great issues , great ideas and great people in the sciences , the humanities and the social sciences .
4 The teacher 's relation with a child is much more intense and long-lasting than for a teacher of a normal child , since they will be together in close contact during a longer period of growth .
5 ‘ When you 're men and women living together in close quarters like that there is always going to be temptation . ’
6 ‘ When you 're men and women living together in close quarters like that there is always going to be temptation . ’
7 Retired Sainsbury employees came together in grand style in March and April to reminisce and share afternoon tea in the sumptuous surroundings of the Royal Lancaster Hotel .
8 The first part of this chapter begins with the structural factors — especially the religious , family and community links — which drew and held abolitionists together in that sense of fellowship .
9 ‘ It is a dangerous sport , every time you go out there , you put your neck on the line , and working together in that kind of atmosphere does make you closer .
10 We had worked together in that department for many years .
11 Such situations are notoriously unstable , as it was in this case , for the team remained together in that form for less than a year .
12 With the United Nations there is at least the opportunity to start , to work together in new ways on issues that really matter .
13 Under each of the two surviving corners of the Early Dynastic temples within the oval enclosure at Khafajah the excavator found deposits including gold , copper , lapis lazuli and slate , together in one instance with a block of carnelian .
14 They are either based on successions of brief movements , only loosely related , or on the fusion together in one movement of sections based on different musical ideas or constructions .
15 It is information which is vital to any councillor who is trying to go through the analysis of cost centre by cost centre of the expenditures of this council and as such it 's vital that this information is available to us not only by combing through all the relevant minutes and in er minutes of committees that have taken place but paraded together in one place for us all and members of the public to be able to get access to it .
16 This huge old hospital is known by the Milanese as the Ca'Grande , or ‘ Great House ’ , and was built by Francesco Sforza in 1456 as a way of bringing together in one place about thirty little hospitals which had grown up around the Porta Romana .
17 Most sailing clubs will have a few catamarans clustered together in one end of the dinghy park , but if you are keen to race one it is best to choose a club that has plenty of water space and specialises in a large multihull fleet .
18 But behind this there lies a period , obscurely documented , in which there was far greater freedom and equality among the cities — an era brought to a sharp end by the threat of foreign conquest , which drew the Greek cities together in heroic resistance to the Persian invaders — and thus began the process which ended in the effective dominance of Sparta and Athens over their neighbours .
19 The centrifugal forces of the Nazi Movement were held together in great measure by the ideals embodied in the image of the Führer ; social disappointments and disillusionment could be transcended and overcome by participation in the Führer 's great ‘ struggle ’ and ultimate satisfaction in the brave new world to come .
20 This size of miniature looks quite lovely when ranged together in small groups of two or three , and I think they look best of all when hanging in a straight vertical line ( see p. 101 ) .
21 We are a happy , contented , compact little country with 48 million people who live together in perfect harmony with their own local , often county , loyalties .
22 In her funny way , Great-Aunt Alicia had decided to tie Sara and Matthew Preston together in joint ownership of a house , hoping this would somehow lead to the bond of matrimony .
23 Only in areas remote from this authority , as in isolated mining settlements , or where the state was itself weak , as in the United States , could bourgeois masters exercise that sort of direct rule , whether by command over the local forces of public authority , by private armies of Pinkerton men , or by banding together in armed groups of ‘ vigilantes ’ to maintain ‘ order ’ .
24 We had nothing against it for others but , having both had fairly disastrous marriages previously and having lived together in reasonable harmony for so many years , it went against the grain .
25 We believe strongly that we should go on working together in full partnership in a Union that has served every part of the United Kingdom well .
26 Now there was nothing left to him but the conflicting passions of his terror and his furious pride , knotted together in inextricable warfare in his bowels .
27 And we in the church may not yet be an army ‘ mighty and terrible with banners ’ , but we can muster resistance by coming together in little bands of hope ready to strike in deep raids behind enemy lines .
28 The grey steps of the terracing , the rust coloured stand and the sad green of the pitch shaded together in common contribution to the drabness of the day .
29 When they came to plan the project in detail , the teachers ( planning together in this school in year groups ) worked together to construct a series of carefully designed ‘ activities ’ — a total of six in all .
30 There were limits to the range of territory that could be held together in this way in the sixteenth century : towards the end of his life Charles V abdicated and retired to a monastery , leaving his German lands and his title of Holy Roman Emperor to the line of his brother Ferdinand , even though he would probably have preferred to keep the entire empire together and leave it to his son Philip .
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