Example sentences of "able [to-vb] [adv prt] to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 And er then er these two erm er Then when we used to when we was the young you used to be able to go down to Skeggie for a day on train for two and six .
2 He understood how she needed me when war broke out and most of the men were away , he realized I would n't feel able to go back to England and abandon her .
3 I was sad not to be able to go back to Fulham for St Cecilia 's Day .
4 Maxine Johnson , who had been uneasy at his interview , was worried about whether Sutton would ‘ be able to stand up to Pilger ’ .
5 The Office of Fair Trading chose not to examine this market and the Hatton Garden traders have not always been able to stand up to Ratner 's negotiating muscle .
6 The main problem has been we have n't been able to come up to EC standards .
7 He was able to pass on to Nicholson authoritative recollections of seeing huge worms crawl out of biscuits , eating a plum that was alive , seeing his wife sitting beside herself and all that kind of hallucinatory experience .
8 I imagined a morning 's stroll through quiet streets , gazing at patisseries , and then being able to nip up to Paris to visit the Musée d'Orsay or to see a major exhibition .
9 So you wo n't be able to log on to Microfit ?
10 But the suspension also meant that Coker was able to whizz back to Oz for a two-week training camp in Brisbane with Queensland to return having served his time and he missed almost none of the domestic season .
11 yeah , but that 's gon na take ages , it 's , we 're not gon na be able to get up to Kilburn on time
12 Did he feel better or worse that neither the genuine Matthew Prescott nor the spurious Michael Watney was able to get through to Alexandra ?
13 The response was overwhelming and I was able to raise over £1,000 which was added to other monies raised by the branch of J Sainsbury 's plc where I am employed and we were able to hand over to Terry Scott a cheque for £10,000 .
14 Not every school will be able to travel down to Portsmouth to see the wreck of the Mary Rose for themselves , but they could watch a video about the discovery and raising of the wreck , and carry out a computer simulation to search for the wreck .
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