Example sentences of "able [to-vb] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Your own college library and local lending and reference libraries house a great deal of this ; you will be able to borrow or refer to the literature in these libraries .
2 They give us their advice on what they know about the voluntary sector , and they give us guidance and help , in fact , the meeting took place er , only two days ago , and absolutely invaluable to be able to sit and listen to people who 've spent their life in the voluntary sector working with some of the difficulties we do n't appreciate .
3 In half an hour Rachaela would be able to go and sit with her .
4 And I was able to go and talk to her in Washington , and , and really feel that history was coming alive .
5 And I was able to go and shop without everybody else helping .
6 plus you have n't got the convenience of being able to go and get in your car
7 ‘ When the weather gets warmer she will be able to go and practise on the piano in the home of the Misses Montague — we will let her know when this is possible . ’
8 Not only are more and more people willing and able to go and look at the countryside , but the trend is towards more active recreational pursuits , involving the more extensive use of space and paralleled by an extension of the time spent there .
9 So if a girl does not feel able to go and ask for the Pill , or if she is reluctant to use it because she sees it as a health risk , the alternative may be to use nothing .
10 Only when these have been successfully achieved will the private sector be able to thrive and expand in areas that are currently characterized by high unemployment .
11 I was able to enjoy and cope with when he was very tiny .
12 During his career , the Master of Stair showed himself to be willing and able to flow or turn with the prevailing political tide , changing sides as it suited his purpose or ambition .
13 My previous relationships have all been with women I 've been able to like and respect at the same time as I 've desired them . ’
14 Well I have to say that much of the impact of this story depends upon your being able to see and think of Boy as beautiful , admirable and even adorable in the true senses of those difficult and dangerous but nonetheless precious and necessary words ; I suggest therefore that you amend my descriptions of Boy and his lover — but I anticipate myself , that was not to be for several weeks yet ; that ‘ Great Romance of Our Times ’ , as it became known amongst us , had not yet begun , its theme tune had not yet been composed on Gary 's piano , its scenario was not yet subject of our daily gossip and speculation , we were not yet auditioning for a place in the credits — The Friend , The Admirer , Blonde Man in Bar , Second Guest at Dinner Party .
15 Could n't they see that he was simply dying for want of a word from Kee , that not seeing her or being able to write or talk to her was killing him , and that nothing else mattered ?
16 As the child 's mental processes become more complex , it becomes increasingly able to absorb and construct for itself the complexities of the external world .
17 Salespeople must be able to work and communicate with people in a variety of positions and be prepared to tailor their selling approaches to satisfy individual needs , e.g. specifiers will need to be convinced of the technical merits of the product , production people will want to be assured of guaranteed deliveries and buyers will be looking for value for money .
18 You will also be able to come and go without anyone feeling the need to see you receiving direct orders from me . ’
19 The KDPI were able to come and go across the frontier and through the no man 's land between the opposing armies with great freedom .
20 I 'll be able to come and go to the mortuary .
21 The earlier a pupil is able to find and keep to a comfortable and efficient working position , the better .
22 Above all , operators must be able to adjust and tinker with air , gas and fuel flows to keep the systems running happily .
23 Those schools will then be in the fortunate position of being able to pick and choose between applicants .
24 The evidence of a child who was taught by the ‘ Natural Aurilism ’ method is that at the age of 5 she is able to talk and play with normal children at a normal school and although she may not be as far ahead , the results of this method seem astounding .
25 These claim to be able to clean and disinfect in one process known as sanitisation ( BS 5283 : 1976 ) .
26 This being believes that he is able to look and measure in all directions , whereas his observations are really limited to directions contained in the two-dimensional surface .
27 He shared with his wife Harriet a passion for fly-fishing and gardening and he made no secret of the fact that his years of retirement , when they were able to fish and garden to the full , were the happiest of his life .
28 In this way the Association is able to help and advise on broad issues relating to the industry and also on current practice in awards made nationally in the hospitality field .
29 An estimated 50% of women in the world who want to stop having children are able to fulfil that wish by these means .
30 Because he felt so relaxed , he was able to smile and wait for another bar or two before letting the music dictate an answer .
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