Example sentences of "ca [not/n't] [adv] [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The people have the spirit to overthrow oppression , but their imagination ca n't yet cope with overturning their stifling bureaucracy .
2 The biochemistry of cells is basically just the chemistry of the larger molecules that the physicists ca n't yet deal with through quantum theory calculations .
3 I just ca n't somehow seem to … to take it all in , ’ she gasped , the magnitude of the disastrous tragedy suddenly beginning to penetrate her stunned mind .
4 This is great news because everyone knows there are lots of things one can do to animals in the name of medical progress that one ca n't ethically do to people .
5 ‘ I mean , we ca n't simply go from table to table asking , can we ? ’
6 It was in some figure you ca n't even relate to .
7 Now you ca n't even rely on seeing a live performance at a live concert !
8 You ca n't even go down the street like anyone else .
9 ‘ Now I come back to my own country — and I ca n't even go into a Wimpey bar . ’
10 I mean they ca n't even go to the shops sometimes and they 're not safe .
11 ‘ It grieves me think that these drivers , sometimes as many as 60 a week , have to pay to spend the night in this car park but ca n't even go to the loo , ’ she said .
12 I mean you ca n't , you ca n't go any , I mean you ca n't even go to the Bridge for er , erm , a meal under a fiver so
13 You ca n't even go through a whole book being called Nigel .
14 And you ca n't even go in it when you when how strong the
15 oh I love their platform shoes , I mean they 're fucking rub they ca n't even walk in them .
16 You ca n't even separate on the ‘ map ’ screens , so you 're doomed to wander around together — does this sound like serious roleplaying , or does it sound like Golden Axe ?
17 You pay before you go up so I mean you ca n't even think about
18 Oh , God , I 'm so pissed off I ca n't even think of a decent comparison .
19 How can you chat about it like this when I 'm holding you and when I want to kiss you and make love to you so badly I ca n't even think of anything else ! ’
20 I ca n't even think of what to have .
21 Yeah , I ca n't even think of any nurses at the hospital , Louise her little one 's three but she 's more like a five year old
22 ‘ I hear things are so bad between the prince and princess , they ca n't even bear to be in the same room as one another , ’ said an estate worker .
23 I think this is quite realistic except during that period when you are ‘ in love ’ , which I think is a hysterical state where you ca n't even bear for your lover to go to the loo without you going too .
24 I ca n't even stay in a hotel because people find out where I am and they make life a bit of a pain .
25 You ca n't even talk about it . ’
26 ‘ I ca n't even talk about his future in the game because it 's too early to say .
27 The staff group concerned ( composed of teachers from a middle and a first school sharing a site ) had met weekly for a number of times , when one of them , Mr E , presented eight-year-old Dave , ‘ an infuriating boy , who never listens and who ca n't even copy from the board ; there is nothing one can do with him ’ .
28 Me with all that fine talk about liberating the Ukraine , and I ca n't even remember about a visa .
29 no , I ca n't even run for a bus .
30 Reaching out , I ca n't even burst through the paper bag that envelops my being .
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