Example sentences of "use [prep] [noun] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 In summary , we have developed a non-invasive test which predicts accurately gastric acid output in populations with high prevalences of achlorhydria and is suitable for field use for population studies of young children in developing countries .
2 A second feature of public order policing highlighted by the miners ' strike was the use of èlite groups of police officers within each police force .
3 In particular the chaos of the media ; where Front 242's use of TV images of terrorism and catastrophe was as a backdrop to their own survivalist strength , with Butthole Surfers it 's more the case , as David Stubbs said , that they 've fallen foul of the media overload , are carried by a momentum that is not their own .
4 Use of telephone lines of any kind for videoconferencing requires the multimedia equivalent of a modem , known as a codec ( compression-decompression unit ) .
5 In fact , we made considerable use of hypercorrection phenomena of this kind in preparing our phonological analysis .
6 At Key Stage 2 pupils can also begin to make use of viewdata compilations of simple written sources , provided that the material is presented at an appropriate language level .
7 The International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) on May 24 , 1989 , approved the use of fund resources of up to 946,900,000 special drawing rights ( approximately US$1,190 million ) by the Philippines .
8 During the 1960s , however , the use of market methods of monetary regulation ( e.g. open market operations , shifts in interest rates ) to influence the major part of the banking system ( the primary banks ) became of even more questionable value .
9 The use of paint thickeners of various kinds ( see page 94 Appendix A ) and the mixing of the paint itself can involve comparison of colour and thickness as well as the idea of the time taken .
10 He faced accusations that in 1984-85 , while he was Prime Minister , he was responsible for failing to stop the use in blood transfusions of blood which carried the HIV virus .
11 One of Cromer 's first acts had been to abolish the use by government officials of the curbash , the whip , as a means of enforcing obedience .
12 It bans the use of tobacco brands and trademarks to advertise other goods and it bans the use by tobacco products of brands and trademarks established by other products .
13 These included minimizing the deployment of the plainclothes units — the so-called " Skeleton Corps " — whose function it was to pursue and arrest protesters , reducing the use of tear gas , and prohibiting the use by riot police of equipment ( such as steel pipes ) other than that which had been officially provided .
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