Example sentences of "to get them [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Payne says the advantage of using emulation over binary-to-binary translation is that ISVs do not have to tinker with their applications one iota to get them up on PowerPC , they just run , although some performance is lost .
2 Been wanting to get them off for hours .
3 It would have obviously been complicated to get them in to Darlington so we sent the lecturer to them .
4 The quality of product delivered by BR management is experienced daily by the many thousands who travel to and from Waterloo , where the indicator boards are frequently inactive at peak travel time in the evening , and only the desultory , forlorn and uncertain voices of junior staff is available to advise hapless passengers over the tannoy when and where they might expect to find an uncancelled train to get them home on time — if they are lucky — and to deliver an occasional apology .
5 He blew nearly a pound on a taxi to get them home in comfort , and she seemed glad to hold his hand .
6 We now have 13 real ( if you see what I mean ) teams + the ‘ Cheats ’ a ‘ Rejects ’ 11 of ex Leeds Players , and a current Leeds United 11 ( Mark S , I have made slight changes to your selections to get them down to 20M . )
7 They too have children , with similar needs , but they are allocated much less because , rather than staying on the dole , their parents wished to return to college and get qualifications to get them back into work .
8 The Doctor accuses the two schoolteachers of sabotaging the ship as a blackmail threat to get them back to England in their own time .
9 ‘ The really tragic thing is that the longer people are unemployed the harder it is to get them back to work .
10 Then they follow him obediently , relyin' on his knowledge and experience to get them back to safety . ’
11 The " thief " is the rightful owner of the jewels who wants to get them back in order to free the prisoners in the castle .
12 Small businesses see it as a boost to get them out of recession while other , larger firms criticised Mr Lamont .
13 You ought to get them out of Superking they 're quite nice .
14 You could spend your entire life praying for the holy souls , to get them out of purgatory .
15 But a horse that anticipates trouble flattens his ears to get them out of harm 's way .
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