Example sentences of "to get [adv prt] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Temptation is to get on to the phone immediately
2 If they already have some practical knowledge they will be itching to get on to the floor !
3 In fact , however , the Council 's composition was not random , as two kinds of evidence show : evidence for the high social class of individual members , and evidence that it was possible to get on to the Council in a given year if you wanted to .
4 ‘ Thanks , David , but I 've bent the rules enough ; I really ought to get on to the village and see to this wretched food distribution .
5 And then I used to get on to the dray and sit beside him on the box and then we 'd go as far as Road , which is quite a stretch and I used o walk back .
6 We had to get on to the barge before these two characters unwittingly alerted the army sentries across the road , or before the Friends of the Tourists turned up looking for us .
7 It was possible to get on to the roof by the window and climb up the slope to the wall and the projecting archway .
8 We staged with the Sultan of Oman and Muscat , and Salalah , and I can recall one evening a hit of a commotion , when one of the Wapiti crews of No 55 Squadron caused an uproar by trying to get on to the roof .
9 Talking of your first P-bass , what originally inspired you to get on to the instrument ?
10 To get on to the housing ladder , the first-time buyer has to find a deposit of 5% or more of the property price , and with a typical housing price/income ratio of three times , this can represent 15% or more of annual income .
11 Low house prices here mean that even though Northern Ireland is bottom of the UK salary league with an annual average of £15,012 , people can still afford to get on to the housing ladder .
12 I wanted a second mate 's ticket ; I wanted to get on to the bridge and do things .
13 how to get on to the parish council the other day so I thought was quite formative step yes
14 Soon she was joined by a peasant woman dressed in black who told her that she was trying to get on to the hospital in Toulon for news of her son .
15 It was as though they were marching up great soaring bridges to get on to the screen , where they would enter into the films we had come to see .
16 You 're not now , oh right okay that 's fine , the er , what I want you to do instead of writing , I mean two hundred words is , is probably feel nothing , but in fact because we want er it to be absolutely right , what I 'd like you to do this time is just write an appraisal , the contents thing er that we had last time we had if you like , content and appraisal and audience , but audience was only er , a sentence or two , I 'd simply like a , an appraisal , what your view of this is , if you 're writing that part of the review , so we 're only thinking in terms of a hundred words now , er what I 'd like you to do is to distribute yourselves over the laboratory , erm go wherever you want but do n't start talking with people , it 's not the , not the Cribben thing I just want to get on with the exercise that I 'm concerned with and write your appraisal , but obviously put your name on it and er if we meet back here thirty five minutes is that long enough for under a hundred words of excellent quality ?
17 You could leave them behind so much more easily , to get on with the present , if you knew that some day you were going to return .
18 I just could n't wait to get on with the athletics .
19 Robert Davies , signal works engineer : ‘ failed completely to get on with the testing instruction ’ .
20 They saw themselves as wanting to get on with the teaching of their subject .
21 I used to get on with the washing-up , see about the dinner and all the rest of the things .
22 Several weeks later , on the twenty-first anniversary of the baby 's death , we held a tearful and moving ceremony with candles and poetry , in which Betty said goodbye to her baby and gave herself permission to get on with the rest of her life .
23 Dyson could imagine Lord Boddy and the executives gathered around him putting deference aside from time to time in order to get on with the gardening , or to discipline some delinquent guardsman .
24 one of the priorities is to get on with the price increases and get them done , right , you know .
25 Like Iris , I was impatient now to get on with the journey south and see the vessel that was to be our home , but when I saw Chanchán …
26 Sir Henry Cole thought that the answer to the problem was simple : Scott should remodel his proposals on the lines of Inigo Jones ' scheme for Whitehall Palace , and eventually Street asked in The Builder what was to be gained from changing the architect ; a Gothic building was appropriate , and Scott should be allowed to get on with the work .
27 My task , apart from the usual household chores , was to get on with the work for my three summer O-levels and to get ahead by starting to work towards my A-levels — English , Latin and Greek .
28 You may have then had a verbal exchange with your next in line , but bar that you were expected to get on with the work .
29 The final recipient has still got to get on with the work based on this small amount of information , only now with DOPACS he has a time limit .
30 As that work comes to er fruition , the staff target will be drafted and in fact work is already begun on that , erm but because the reconnaissance capability wo n't be required until fairly late in the replacement programme then there is no particular hurry to get on with the work .
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