Example sentences of "to get [prep] [art] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 These days it is imperative — if you want success , anyway — to be able to get about the field and give and take a pass nearly as well as a back .
2 One dog may then try to get between the herd and the straggler , and try to drive it towards the rest of the pack .
3 Consumption of drinks and drugs go up : alcohol consumption can increase — maybe to a second scotch before dinner , maybe to two Special Brews to get through the afternoon and a bottle of wine every evening ; smoking can increase , as can the consumption of tea and coffee — even though these are physical stimulants ( and can therefore mimic anxiety ) rather than relaxants .
4 The point I 'm going to make is that erm , if we are n't going to get through the year and we 're all going to have to take a percentage of our March allowances because the money 's run out and we 're cash limited even if we give ourselves five percent extra , erm , could I get an assurance from the officers that the people that have n't put in their forms will get a note to remind them to do so , so that everybody is in there , you wo n't suddenly find that because you have n't had your claim form in by the fourteenth you 're gon na get nothing and everybody else is gon na get something .
5 Physics is very rarely discussed on the courses ; the students ' main aim is to get through the course and pass the examinations .
6 ‘ I shall take Rosie or Violet and try to get through the drifts and reach Aumery Park Farm . ’
7 When she did come we were all excited , but we all got told to get off the concourse and hide !
8 " You 'll have to get off the boat and fly , " she said .
9 This is because such schemes are taking a long time to get off the ground and because employers generally recruit from non-local networks ( see also Ladbury and Mira-Smith in this volume ) .
10 These enabled his pupils to get off the ground and many began imitating the set of motifs he introduced into his illustrations .
11 For many people , however , one of the bonuses of retirement is the ability to get off the treadmill and stop rushing .
12 in the end I mean normally it was the other way round , the Labour candidate could n't wait to get out , cos you know trying to get out the door and John was
13 You know besides the fact that I I wan na work when I 'm when I 'm not working , I still like to get out the house and get involved in something .
14 George Wood had hinted , and not too darkly , about the ‘ lads ’ who knew how to get past the guards and into the mines at night : he had intimated that there was a prosperous smugglers ' route through the highest mountain passes to the coast where the ore would be taken over to Ireland or down to Liverpool and Swansea .
15 Somehow or other they had to get beneath the certainty and feed the seeds of doubt .
16 He was determined to get behind the Russians and cut them off from the east .
17 What I have tried to do in this chapter is to suggest a way of looking at towns as though they were a special kind of landscape — as indeed they are — to get behind the guide-books and the individual buildings to the secret history of these places : to draw attention to what I think are some of the significant bits of urban landscape that point the way into this secret history .
18 Then it was brother Alan 's turn to get behind the wheel and he passed .
19 They trust you to get into a panic and err wildly on the side of generosity . ’
20 ‘ Soon I thought I might as well try to get into a band and so I answered a few ads in Melody Maker and joined a few bands .
21 He arrived on the 18th tee needing a par to get into a play-off and , with an extraordinary demonstration of the tension involved , jumped up and down half a dozen times as his tee shot headed inexorably for the bunker on the left .
22 A MAN passed himself off as a solicitor to get into a prison and beat up a prisoner accused of molesting his daughter , it was revealed today .
23 It normally takes the first ten minutes of any brisk walk to get into a rhythm and feel aerobic , so increasing the time from 20 to 30 minutes is effectively doubling the aerobic benefits .
24 that at people being able to get into a car and never driven before and be allowed out onto a highway !
25 Independent producers , whose dogged campaign to get into the BBC and ITV as well as Channel 4 has bitten deep into the old structures of the companies , now form an established and vibrant third force in television .
26 You know , give us a chance to get into the play and get comfortable on our feet and we 'll have a go , well , Johnson does n't give you that option does he ?
27 As always women must wear a skirt on or below the knee to get into the enclosure and men have to wear a tie — regatta traditions which are rigidly adhered to .
28 it 's okay I 'm just borrowing your body to get into the cinema and then you can disappear !
29 If there was a swell on the east side where the the grating but there was also a gully landing which you get into the gully but it had to be a very fine day to get into the gully and there was a derrick there er you could a crane there that you could take everything out of the boat but it had to be a very fine day to get into the gully .
30 I never used to be able to read good before I went into prison : I used to get into the book and think , ‘ What 's that word ? ’ and then cut the word down to size until I made up what it was .
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