Example sentences of "go [adv prt] of [pos pn] way " in BNC.

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1 She would phone the police and they would go out of their way to search her garden and reassure her of their vigilance , but it had been going on for years .
2 They certainly will not go out of their way to be critical — and if they do they are not worth knowing in the first place !
3 ‘ I know that PCs call them spooks , niggers and sooties , but deep down the majority of PCs are n't really against them , although there are some who really hate them and will go out of their way to get them .
4 It is hardly surprising that the LNU leaders did not go out of their way to point out that , without the final threat of military sanctions , an economic blockade against an aggressor power was most unlikely to succeed .
5 A physiotherapist recalled : ‘ They were n't obstructive , but they did n't go out of their way to be helpful either . ’
6 Oh no it was a usual thing you know , anybody 'd go out of their way then to help .
7 But they would n't take that trouble , but they 'd always speak to the uniform policemen , if or if they heard anyone smashing glass , but they would n't go out of their way .
8 I would go out of my way to crunch on crisp , mustardy jellyfish ; an oily , tissuey-textured sea-slug , slipped into a congee of boiled rice , was my idea of a hearty breakfast ; and the pig , from the brains to the balls ( of the feet ) seemed like a gourmet 's theme-park .
9 I would n't go out of my way to hear their music .
10 I would n't go out of my way to watch it , but it as it was a school thing it was OK .
11 Well the I have the about eleven and with the I would n't go out of my way them .
12 With clothes , most of us like to believe that our tastes are idiosyncratic , which suggests that we will often go out of our way — and pay through the nose — to buy something a bit different .
13 There should be no preconceptions whatever , no areas of intellectual abstinence , and we should go out of our way to build common cause with other parties around the world in searching out the way forward .
14 ‘ You do n't go out of your way to make a series , ’ said Peter Rogers , who produced the entire batch .
15 The Profitboss rarely seeks help , but he does go out of his way to provide it , even if he sees no profit in it immediately .
16 He 'll go out of his way to help Claudette the customer relations manager tackle a tricky complaint .
17 The Profitboss goes out of his way to discourage report-writing : to do so he will go out of his way to walk the patch and give ( or obtain ) thirty-second verbal reports .
18 I like to remind myself , from time to time , of Lord Macnaghten 's remark that he did not think that the framers of the Irish Land Act were to blame for not assuming that a judge would go out of his way to derogate from the rights of a third person who had nothing whatever to do with the matter in hand .
19 Antony seems to be an athletic young man , who loves his master , and will go out of his way to keep him happy .
20 You know he seems like really frightening and intimida that 's the thing though cos er what , yeah , I just I do n't know I ca n't just forget about it and say well who cares because he really does go out of his way to make things hard .
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