Example sentences of "go [adv] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We can go on to the depot at 80° South , leave the food there , and then go back .
2 In the street outside the hotel , a crowd cheered and cheered ; periodically someone would go on to the balcony and throw roses down to the assembled admirers .
3 I says Richard would you not even go on to the tech and , or somewhere that you could get better on your drawing and he , he
4 ‘ I shall go on to the Saracen 's Head . ’
5 ‘ You away in and I 'll go on to the hotel by myself .
6 Then we 'll meet ye all at the Curragh Bar for a few good old jars , and then we 'll go on to the hotel .
7 Could go on to the rugby and go with them could n't he ?
8 Ellen , please ask a maid to find some dry clothes for me , and then I 'll go on to the village .
9 Ron said that I should not go on to the track and kill myself because I might pull a hamstring .
10 Can I , yeah , can I go on to the application if I may Chairman ?
11 ‘ We 'd better go on to the farm and buy … ’
12 On it were the words : ‘ Do not go on to the moor .
13 Erm what will happen is that we will er hopefully at this meeting er set a budgetary , budgetary position within the guidelines required by the policy committee and then that will go forward together with all the other service committees to the policy committee on the twenty seventh of January and from then we will go on to the County Council on the fifteenth of February .
14 ‘ Fenella will go on to the Fire Court , of course , ’ said Floy , who had very nearly managed to convince himself of this .
15 Let's go on to the Fire Court .
16 " It should have been in her handbag , because the shopman said she did n't go on to the pillar-box to post anything .
17 The Chairman of the company told him he was most impressed with the contribution he 's made to the business , and that he could go right to the top if he keeps it up .
18 ‘ Do their heads go right to the top of their helmets ? ’
19 It was at moments like this that John Coffin realized that the Inspector would go right to the top .
20 Right erm let me go right to the back , the Security Council man , what have you written down ?
21 I was saying , ‘ If anyone wants a refund they can go right to the door and they 'll give it to you . ’
22 ‘ Do your feet go right to the end of those ? ’
23 I 'll go right to the car .
24 ‘ First , we 'll go down to the kitchen and pack a small picnic , ’ she told him , ‘ then , yes … we 'll make our way to Corporation Park . ’
25 Why do n't you go down to the sea and get a blow before tea ? ’
26 ‘ Let's go down to the sea , ’ he urged .
27 ‘ I 'll go down to the village and see if they 've got any newspapers and magazines . ’
28 Giving Hilary a cheeky grin , he asked his mother , ‘ Can I go down to the village ? ’
29 ‘ I 'll just go down to the surgery and pick up my case .
30 He was sixty-four now , and no doubt tired , but as soon as we had finished tea he said , " We 'll go down to the river and you can try for a salmon . "
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