Example sentences of "far too [adj] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Ravi Shastri has been tried before but was unable to unite the team behind him and Sachin Tendulkar , 20 , is far too young to be destroyed by politics .
2 You look far too young to be a mayor , but you 've just finished being Mayor of Lewes .
3 You look far too young to be a Mayor , but you 've just finished being Mayor for Lewes .
4 It 's obviously far too early to be starting to think about Canadian prospects but , at the same time , it has to be realised that we are now probably little more than three years away from the '95 opening ceremonies , assuming a Southern Hemisphere location .
5 This proposal was readily dismissed by geophysicists who were easily able to demonstrate that the Earth is far too strong to be deformed by such tidal forces .
6 This time , his look of puzzlement was far too exaggerated to be genuine , but she kept her voice even as she said , ‘ What … did … you … mean ? ’
7 ‘ Surely far too composed to be as innocent as you claim ?
8 But although it is not now necessary to visit the long row of sea-front cottages , Shieldaig is far too good to be bypassed .
9 You 're far too good to be a barrow boy for the rest of your life . ’
10 ‘ I did n't like the academia of being the physician and I thought that I was far too clumsy to be a surgeon , ’ he says .
11 The money involved , the ruthlessness , and the organisation , were all far too great to be explained by the political opposition to the President wanting to discredit the Government prior to the coming election .
12 The potential benefits to man and agriculture are far too great to be ignored .
13 It should be emphasized that this has nothing to do with our normal perception of color ; quarks are far too small to be seen by visible light .
14 Far too tuneful to be described as hardcore and too noisy to be deemed a pop/punk band , The Venus Beads sit comfortably on the barbed wire fence in between .
15 Far too tuneful to be described as hardcore and too noisy to be deemed a pop/punk band , The Venus Beads sit comfortably on the barbed wire fence in between .
16 It seemed far too insignificant to be holding back a lake large enough to stretch from London to the Scottish borders .
17 Quite simply the gulf which separated Britain from the Six , apparent long before the WEU was created , was far too wide to be bridged by such a tenuous organisation .
18 ‘ The object of life is to enjoy it ; it 's far too short to be doing something you are bored by ’ Competitor who stays a jump ahead
19 And , as he says : ‘ The object of life is to enjoy it ; it 's far too short to be doing something you 're bored by . ’
20 Whatever you do , it is as well to remember our half of the bargain ; a Rottweiler is far too intelligent to be left in a kennel for twenty-three hours a day .
21 ‘ Tonight you look far too beautiful to be locked in a classroom .
22 Natasha was far too articulate to be stupid .
23 Carole had said that the style of warden could really make a difference , and I was relieved to see that Aj was far too easy-going to be a slave-driver ; a non-conformist , his regulation chocolate-brown corduroy trousers were bleached white , a phenomenon which he put down to the use of Ariel automatic .
24 The way you eat no wonder you 're far too large to be a jockey , ’ Nevil jibed .
25 André was far too exuberant to be shattered by something like that , but it had given her ego a kick .
26 But Cassie was far too angry to be wooed .
27 The sins were far too wicked to be named , Henry had answered with a confidential glance at Lettice who held her dainty hands at her mouth , wide-eyed .
28 Haverford , too old and far too tubby to be lowered down any manholes , was enjoying a vicarious adventure .
29 Far too valuable to be let go , it was resurrected by Edward I who acquired in 1280 the manor of Iham in Icklesham , a plateau overlooking the old site .
30 Far too important to be left to the position dictated by historical accident or cultural prejudice .
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