Example sentences of "john [noun] do n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There were stories that she had been eaten by wild animals , but John Ward did n't believe it .
2 Alsys UK general manager John Walker does n't think so .
3 Strongly independent all his life , John Granger did n't let blindness change his lifestyle , and although now in his nineties has only just moved into a sheltered flat in Oxford .
4 that John Lewis does n't publish its erm most of its charitable giving either and that they done quite a lot
5 Set in the early 1980s , and about liberal politicians cleaning up a small town , it will , Beswick hopes , ‘ do for Little Rock what John Major did n't do for Huntingdon ’ .
6 ‘ If John Major did n't fancy her before , he must fancy her now .
7 Not all are outstanding golfers , but then 18-handicap Group Captain John Prideaux did n't become Secretary at Muirfield because of his own golfing skill .
8 But John Russell did n't say a word .
9 John Smith does n't scare people anything like as much .
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