Example sentences of "'d [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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61 In the end , as I said , with that kind of selection cycle going , you 'd end up with the situation where all males had the , had that er had that trait of oedipal behaviour .
62 ‘ I never thought I 'd end up outside the ground propositioning people , ’ he said .
63 If you went all the way across the Lake of Dreams you 'd end up in the Lake of Death .
64 More likely , though , is my mates shopping me — I 'd end up in the back pages of 90 Minutes ( ‘ my mate 's sad cos he 's convinced he looks like Eric Cantona when in fact he 's got a face like an orangutan 's bum ’ ) or become the subject of an earnest letter in When Saturday Comes ( ‘ As a Whites fan since before my birth , I am appalled by the recent upsurge of so-called Canto lookalikes , I can no longer walk the streets without being overrun by people with sideburns and spurious French accents ’ , etc etc . )
65 Then of course the there were area combat missions , area missions but these had nothing to do er with the work training I think that and I did and in developing of our crews so that we were able to survive and of course er our mission that we thought that would probably be the same as was on the fourteenth when we went to Schweinfurt and we made it back and not only that but we got back to England , we 'd manage on about the third pass to get in to this one field and there was another plane trying to get in and they went up and bailed out and after we were eating our supper here they brought the men in the fields er where they , on the bombers ' field where they had landed the never got in so they went up and set the plane on automatic pilot and bailed out because they could n't land the plane but we managed to take them out and I think there was the extra good flying training and I did together that made us able to survive the savage attacks that we had , he had it on the Munster mission , I had it on the Schweinfurt mission .
66 And er at the end of it I think we all felt we knew where we were going , and , and what the work that we 'd put in over the last three years on the management procedures , which form the foundations of our quality system .
67 Well the agent , that be either or any agent who , who the ship belonged to , see they 'd , they 'd get through , no doubt they 'd get through to the merchants and er they 'd find out who the agent is and once they knew the agents well it was plain sailing was n't it ?
68 Occasionally I 'd get up in the morning and there he 'd be in the kitchen , eating furiously , as if he did n't know where his next grub was coming from , as if each day was an adventure that could end anywhere .
69 I 'd get up in the morning I 'd have my two pieces of wholemeal bread toasted with a scraping of marmalade on , right , and my butter cos I like that .
70 Once in a while she 'd get up from the chaos of ribbons and tissue , and go to the window to watch the cold .
71 If she had the sense she 'd been born with she 'd get up from the table right now , wish him a polite good evening , and scuttle back to the safety of the dressing-room , there to make a pledge never to risk being in his company again .
72 ‘ I 'll give you a hand until the rush dies down and then I thought I 'd get on with the account orders for tomorrow , ’ she said casually , but the girl gave her a strange look , and Folly had a nasty feeling that her voice was n't as fully under control as she had thought .
73 She said she 'd get on with the cooking better if I came down here on my own .
74 And as soon as they 'd finished questioning the Tomorrowman 's barman about the beer mat heist , they 'd get around to the rest .
75 ‘ If I were you I 'd get down to the racecourse pronto . ’
76 But I 'd get off at the Meinhof , looking straight ahead and keep on walking and I 'd feel this presence move up beside me .
77 But now he came to consider it , she 'd had an air of knowing more than she 'd let on throughout the proceedings .
78 She 's probably been worrying what family secrets I 'd let out of the bag .
79 At halftime , he 'd come on to the pitch and give the whole team extra-strong mints , rearrange the tactics , change our positions , tell us we were playing downhill in the second half , tell us that a six-goal deficit was nothing .
80 Mrs Blakey , only a little less sceptical than her husband of this line of talk , nevertheless recalled how Timothy Gedge had affected her when he 'd come on to the telephone with a woman 's voice , and her bewilderment when the silence had first begun in the house .
81 Twice he 'd driven over to see his mother and come back optimistic that she 'd come round to the marriage and visit them one day soon .
82 More gardens to the left , so it would make sense to suppose that you 'd come in from the right , leaving your car in the road at the end of the row .
83 Well he 'd come in from the shop , he 'd have that kettle of hot water to wash his hands .
84 No half day Saturdays , half day Saturdays , yes and then er I , I used to stay waiting for mother to come and my sister er to do the shopping in Willenhall cos they would n't shop anywhere else , and then erm my brother used to come with his cycle and er I used to carry a lot of the shopping back and my brother used to push a lot on his , on his cycle and mother and my sister used to stay down and have another walk around , but we 'd got to walk it back I 'd come back on the wagonette so or just after the buses started but er I 'll never forget the first time the bus ran it was pouring with rain and my sister was standing in front of me and she 'd got a new mac on and of course we were getting very wet and there was a scramble to get on the bus and the lady in front of her had got a bag of flour and of course the bag burst and went all down her
85 Then we 'd come back to the digs , wash our hair , have a wash if we were lucky , then on to the theatre .
86 The most unlikely moment for Claire to talk about a day when she and her brother went walking across the land of a man who believed he 'd come back from the dead as a fox .
87 Passed on from the ‘ star ’ who 'd come back from the bar
88 ‘ I 've been hoping you 'd come down to the beach these last three days , ’ he went on .
89 I was starving so I thought I 'd come down to the kitchen .
90 If the whole planet was one enormous Regent 's Park , I 'd come down in the zoo car park . ’
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