Example sentences of "already [vb infin] been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The rabbits you are after may already have been bolted by natural predators such as stoats , weasels , mink and pine martens .
2 By Spring of this year our beloved M twenty five will already have been widened to four lanes from the M three to the M forty and in November the Department of Transport 's plans for the three lane link roads between the section between the M four and M forty were displayed locally in Uxbridge and places like that .
3 It is also guaranteeing mortgages at 1 per cent below the normal interest rate , for endowment or pension-linked policies , on several of the houses up for sale , an interesting and innovative service for would-be bidders ( mortgage surveys will already have been undertaken for these houses ) .
4 These directories should already have been created in Section 1.1 .
5 Directives would require to be implemented by familiar forms of domestic legislation — but the substance of the legislation would already have been determined by the Council .
6 Some thought will already have been given to this in deciding how many priorities will be tackled in the coming year .
7 Some of those homes may already have been hocked by granny to pay for care in her declining years ; and house prices may be depressed as inheritors who already own their homes sell those they inherit .
8 However , this is a direction in which we would already have been moving for other reasons , and the installation of a digital telephone exchange for the provision of extra lines to our new accommodation will greatly facilitate the process .
9 Students of form will already have been alerted to Lacotte 's potential following an eyecatching second to Lord President on the July Course last summer .
10 Both pieces of legislation should already have been incorporated into UK law , although neither applies until 1 January 1993 .
11 ( Teachers used to living in subject blinkers are sometimes startled to find that films chosen as " starters " for topic work in their subject may already have been shown by another teacher in a different context .
12 When the experience itself arrives , the hazards will be attenuated because they have been made familiar by being anticipated , and the individuals will already have been set on the path of healthy coping responses .
13 Either Frederick became ill because of their privations , or he may already have been suffering from pneumonia , which was worsened by the hard journey .
14 Also , Edmund may already have been suffering from the illness , or possibly wound , of which he was soon to die .
15 We have no means of measuring the extent to which Anselm 's outlook may already have been changed by his experiences at the papal Curia , but there are two points at which we can observe an alteration in his language during and after his stay at Lyons .
16 He may already have been linked by this date with Earl Richard 's son , Gilbert , eighth Earl of Gloucester [ q.v . ] .
17 9.1.3 Alternatively to Condition 9.1.1 , the Seller shall be entitled at its absolute discretion to refund the price of the defective goods in the event that such price shall already have been paid by the Purchaser to the Seller , or , if such price has not been so paid , to relieve the Purchaser of all obligation to pay the same by the issue of a credit note in favour of the Purchaser in the amount of such price .
18 Charles 's territories could already have been described as an empire , in the sense that he ruled over a collection of different political units held together by the allegiance his subjects felt they owed him rather than through a sense of common institutions or common language which could serve as the foundation for a unifying national spirit .
19 It is quite unlike the Trojan origin which may already have been attributed to the Franks as a result of imperial diplomacy , and suggests that the Merovingian dynasty did not come to the fore as a result of its connections with Rome .
20 Since most Bills will already have been settled upon by this time — all the battles will have been lost and won — there is normally less gist about the debate and it may be purely formal .
21 The judicial statistics inevitably provide an incomplete picture since the only information available relates to matters where a writ has been issued and many disputes may already have been settled by then .
22 EVANDER HOLYFIELD knows that he might already have been consigned to the freak section of world heavyweight championship history had Mike Tyson taken no for an answer in that Indianapolis hotel room .
23 After all , the European Community of the 12 may already have been overtaken by the events of the past 18 months .
24 What is meant by calling these ‘ complex ’ is that they serve a clear and distinct function which could already have been envisaged by the testator in making his will .
25 Even if she sets a track record she would already have been upstaged by the people 's champion .
26 But if all had gone well , the creative team of Designers , Make-up and Costume Supervisors would already have been briefed on their requirements from the script days ago .
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