Example sentences of "yet [pron] is [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes , as in West Africa , a lady arises from a lake , yet she is no lady but the lake itself .
2 Yet there is a problem .
3 Yet there is a problem with many of them .
4 Yet there is a link .
5 I 've always been a worker yet there is a part of me that feels I could end up like that , too .
6 ‘ If a child after birth has no right of action for pre-natal injuries , we have a wrong inflicted for which there is no remedy , for , although the father may be entitled to compensation for the loss he has incurred and the mother for what she has suffered , yet there is a residuum of injury for which compensation can not be had save at the suit of the child .
7 ‘ If a child after birth has no right of action for pre-natal injuries , we have a wrong inflicted for which there is no remedy , for , although the father may be entitled to compensation for the loss he has incurred and the mother for what she has suffered , yet there is a residuum of injury for which compensation can not be had save at the suit of the child .
8 The cause of her disadvantage rests in the social arrangements we make , yet there is a tradition of social analysis which attempts to blame the girl for her failure , as if it were simply her responsibility to overcome the conditions of class , race and gender to which she is subject .
9 Yet there is a patina of cruelty , intense cruelty , as if creation corrupts …
10 Yet there is a place for drinks and slippers , and many younger and older couples can know about their mutual ordinariness so that they do not have to strive , posture or compete ; and yet they still keep a specialness and excitement in each other alive .
11 Fear of this confusion of values was still so real for the Reverend Alexander Cruden in the late eighteenth century that , not content with defining and illustrating the term from biblical texts , he added two paragraphs of solemn warning : Yet there is a cure , if men recognize divine omniscience : Cruden is echoing Christ 's words in Luke 's gospel , as Milton had done in Paradise Lost , after describing how Satan 's disguise deceived the archangel Uriel : Drawing on a pagan tradition , Montaigne passed a similar judgement on lying : ‘ To say that a man lieth , is as much as to say … that he is brave towards God , and a Coward towards Men . ’
12 Communication policies are changing rapidly , yet there is a need to assess them constantly from an ethical perspective .
13 Perfectly correct , entirely urbane — yet there is a hint of the personal in it , something almost — I do n't know — avuncular .
14 Yet there is a danger here in over-gilding the memory of Attlee 's Whitehall — a danger that even familiarity with the formerly secret record of his government can not entirely eradicate .
15 Yet there is a danger of reading too much into petitioning unless it is given a firm context .
16 Yet there is a downside for the companies .
17 In 1983 the Infra-Red Astronomical Satellite , IRAS , discovered that it is associated with cool material which may indeed be planet-forming , though as yet there is no proof .
18 Yet there is no sign that it is to be applied .
19 Referring to Moser 's three sources of sampling bias mentioned earlier , it is clear that the sampling frame used ( two general practice records ) does not cover the whole population of housewives ; yet there is no evidence that these records represent a particularly unrepresentative sub-sample of the population .
20 Yet there is no evidence that jade from this source was reaching China before the eighteenth century .
21 Older people are always among the first to be made redundant and to retire prematurely yet there is no evidence to show ‘ that redundancy or early retirement are seriously associated with health or any general tendency for workers to become less productive with age . ’
22 Longitudinal studies indicate that the condition affects people over long periods of their lives yet there is no evidence that they are at risk of any serious organic disease .
23 Yet there is no question of one 's hair rising .
24 Yet there is no question of one 's hair rising .
25 Yet there is no question about the constructive effect of concentrating national attention on a common problem by reporting the situation in the country at large .
26 Yet there is no question that , across the economic cycle , it has been the Rhine model which has shown far the most robust capacity for growth .
27 Yet there is no doubt that they have an active , social life , full of real and caring communication , carried on in a language quite alien to our own experience of mind and meaning .
28 Yet there is no doubt that at earlier periods he was wont often to exercise both his pleasantry and ingenuity in talking Jacobitism . ’
29 But as yet there is no negligence action .
30 Among those which might not initially seem to permit postverbal adjectives are that versatile element keep , and also run , and play ; yet there is no problem about the following examples : ( 65 ) try to keep dry !
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