Example sentences of "thing that [pron] [verb] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 In the days before glasnost — which his fictions may be thought to have rehearsed and predicted , but which could well mean that his fictions will no longer be for the West what they have been so far , when the thing that they deplore was still there in its entirety to be deplored — Kundera was forced into exile in the ‘ free world ’ of the time .
2 there 's no problem there , erm , but because we do n't actually have a radio that gets us the World Service , the people did n't know what was going on , the only thing that we knew was that the air , because Riyadh is a military city
3 One thing that we did was find that there were molecules much , much bigger than was expected in the sense that there were many , many more carbon atoms involved than had previously been thought possible , and even now we just do not understand the processes whereby they are formed .
4 The only thing that it did was to clarify the legality of its position .
5 They may not have thought of it as expertise , but when people said to me a particular ward is dirty , I went and looked at it , and in a very short time , within about ten minutes , that ward had got a massive clean-up team in there , that 's the sort of thing that I felt was useful .
6 The only thing that I said was erm that Tony told us that you keep your game tonight so that you 've got a friend any time you want .
7 The other thing that I remember was that this session was very quick .
8 Now are aware that are losing the agency stuff therefore services should improve generally but this is mostly and the business travel , you know duty travel , cruise positioning that sort of thing , to the extent that erm and two of the ops people paid a visit to last week for a liaison meeting and one thing that I thought was absolutely remarkable that came out was in respect of complaining that they could never get through to anybody in erm in , they could n't get a reply from the extensions and they could n't send messages or anything .
9 erm , the one thing that I thought was under person who is who is talking he 's got ta be I think he 's got ta be firm so that the person understands that erm that what is required but he 's also got ta be fair at the same time has n't he ?
10 Many questions were asked on these papers by the Panel , and the other thing that I thought was very revealing , is one point that I 've been hammering away at , is the fact that they actually produced these figures for U K car registrations over the last 10 years , 10 years ago there were one and a half million , last year there were nearly 2 and a half million .
11 And has a combined budget which is in my view , the important thing that I believe was necessary in the life of the economic circumstances .
12 The first thing that he noticed was that the lights were out and that she 'd set up candles from his emergency supply in one of the kitchen cupboards .
13 But the General would have none of it : the last thing that he wanted was a tainted victory , with RPF delegates beholden to another party .
14 But I think the other incredibly important thing that you said was about the number of boys here from public schools as well and I think that
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