Example sentences of "thing [that] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Robertson Nicoll told A. S. Peake in 1898 , ‘ You would not believe what hosts of letters I get , and do not print , about the kind of thing that is preached in many of our chapels just now , especially by the younger men ’ .
2 Thomas discussed the relationship between love and poetry much later in Feminine Influence on the Poet : ‘ The love-poem is not for the beloved , for it is not worthy , as it is the least thing that is given to her , and none knows this better than she unless it be the lover … .
3 ‘ That 's pretty much the same thing that is happening in my body . ’
4 Sticks to it that , when you are up front driving , you can neither see nor hear a damned thing that is happening behind you .
5 This has never had it so this as far as I 'm concerned really , the only thing that is needs to be made clear , is that we must accept of principle that 's all we need to reason .
6 Talking of the growing demands for extra beat officers , he said : ‘ Everywhere I go it is the main thing that is brought to my attention .
7 Talking of the growing demands for extra beat officers , he said : ‘ Everywhere I go it is the main thing that is brought to my attention .
8 The thing that 's flying towards me is multicoloured — I 'm being beaten up by colours — grass-green violet scarlet beige BANG rust indigo lime BANG ! rose-pink slate-grey flame-orange BANG BANG ! — and the colours have got my face .
9 ‘ I say what 's happening with the Bloods and the Crips is the same thing that 's happening with the protestants and catholics in Northern Ireland , which is the same thing that 's happening in South Africa where different tribes fight each other .
10 I want to say the thing that 's happening at the moment in my difficult life that I 'd hold onto like a drowning man with a log .
11 I think we need another war to get rid of the er get rid of some of the thing that 's happening at the present day .
12 ‘ I say what 's happening with the Bloods and the Crips is the same thing that 's happening with the protestants and catholics in Northern Ireland , which is the same thing that 's happening in South Africa where different tribes fight each other .
13 And he said , ‘ You 've got absolutely nothing to worry about because you see it 's like this : when a lady and a gentleman love one another , there 's a little thing that 's provided by the gentleman and a little thing that 's provided by the lady and the two little things meet up in the lady 's cave and form a baby .
14 And he said , ‘ You 've got absolutely nothing to worry about because you see it 's like this : when a lady and a gentleman love one another , there 's a little thing that 's provided by the gentleman and a little thing that 's provided by the lady and the two little things meet up in the lady 's cave and form a baby .
15 But th , the thing is that it looks as though it is going to be a fairly ongoing thing that 's going to it may be well on certainly er a beyond assembly when we have to come to a conclusion , and therefore we ought to know the picture er , of , within reform churches far more clearly in giving more time .
16 That 's the only thing that 's gon na be off , okay ?
17 That 's the only thing that 's gon na stop the carnival .
18 So if they ever get , this is erm a line and the fox is walking along , the first thing that 's gon na pass this light will be its nose .
19 Okay , the last thing that 's gon na help you get better , is worrying about money , is n't it .
20 And I could be throwing but it 's the sort of thing that 's gon na come into your circuit stuff .
21 The only thing that 's changed in ten years is the way she moves .
22 But this one , what what 's the thing that 's left on the
23 What 's the thing that 's left on the filter paper ?
24 The other thing that was said about him , particularly towards the end , after the U-turn on economic policy , was that he 'd been captured by his officials , and that he also , in the end , rather relished the company of the permanent secretaries more than he did his Cabinet colleagues .
25 No ; it was the romance of the whole thing that was getting to her ; after all , it was n't every day you were whisked away on a white charger … well , a modern car made a good substitute .
26 It was a thing that was created by popular demand .
27 ‘ I think people get even angrier if they think about this precise thing that was done in their so-called formative years that made them the way they are .
28 Tony Visconti : ‘ At that time , we had gone into the studio to record ‘ The Man Who Sold The World ’ , and the horrible thing that was happening to me as a producer , the nightmare of my life , was that David and Angela were becoming totally entwined and enraptured with each other .
29 The Benefit was an unqualified success , which was the main thing , but asking for the support of hundreds of strangers inevitably meant that the focus of their concern would be on John as well as on the terrible thing that was happening to him .
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