Example sentences of "long [subord] [pers pn] 's [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Freedom from Communism is not going to last the flag very long if it 's identified with a freedom to starve .
2 And as long as it 's done with joy , then it is acceptable worship .
3 Well change is fine as long as it 's done sympathetically and actually has some purpose .
4 As long as it 's covered by the policy we 're here to assist our customers and obviously that 's how we 're building our reputation .
5 How , erm , er , and , and I think as you 're saying what word we put round that , almost does n't matter as long as it 's understood to mean that , erm , that , that range of , of concepts and requirements .
6 The wall and the walk , yes , it 's effective as long as it 's maintained .
7 Doors of the hatch can be hinged or sliding , or even a lift-down flap , as long as it 's got adequate support .
8 ‘ Just as long as it 's got a bed . ’
9 She says , I 'm not bothered what it is as long as it 's got all its fingers there .
10 Does n't matter what it looks like as long as it 's got five sides that join together without gaps .
11 Yeah as long as it 's got a recording
12 And we we we we and we 're n not as long as it 's put in the under God it 's alright .
13 The derogatory phrase ‘ he 's not a real polis ; he 'll never be a polis as long as he 's got a hole in his arse ’ quickly set out markers to define who was one of us and who was not .
14 As long as he 's got his thinking distance .
15 Perhaps Gav could buy up all the tickets for the Leeds faithful ? — As long as he 's got a good limit on the old credit card : - ) ) )
16 As long as he 's got an installation going in and if it
17 As long as he 's got that back in the yard by nine .
18 as long as he 's got a clean penis !
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