Example sentences of "high [noun] rate [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One of the reasons why Colnaghi 's wanted a presence in Paris and welcomed the opportunity to be at the Hotel Bristol is the attraction which Paris holds to the Japanese ; furthermore , a high occupancy rate at the Hotel Bristol is Japanese and I look forward to being able to meet this clientele .
2 The relatively high completion rates for the ‘ Other NSEs ’ reflects the fact that this includes students with ‘ professional , nursing , technical or secretarial qualifications ’ The pattern which emerges is that students who have been selected on the basis of success in some form of study which prepares them for the demands which will be placed on them in higher education respond as least as well if not better than the traditionally qualified A-level entrants , while those with less evidence of success of this kind find the transition to higher education difficult and are more likely to drop-out .
3 Besides secondary exposure to vaccine virus , an explanation for high seropositivity rates in the OPV group was a high incidence of wild poliovirus infection during the study period ; this hypothesis is supported by differences in seroprevalences to types 1 and 3 between 6-month-old and 9-month-old children at the beginning of the study .
4 Continued government support for the scheme is not backed by the findings , however ( Mair and Nee , 1990 ) , which showed a low take-up rate by the courts matched by a high failure rate on the part of defendants ( Muncie , 1990 ; Nellis , 1991 ) .
5 One of the main reasons for the BAA 's formation is , of course , the great potential for dangerous practice in abseiling , and the activity 's high accident rate in the past , with several well known climbers having lost their lives .
6 As we 've already seen , the very high tax rates under the Labour Government helped to kill enterprise .
7 The reason for building a high mutation rate into the model is that the whole performance on the computer screen is for the benefit of human eyes , and humans have n't the patience to wait a million generations for a mutation !
8 Some Sri Lankans were able to take advantage of employment opportunities brought about by increased government expenditure , but the high inflation rate of the war years cut the standard of living of many Sri Lankans .
9 One was the maintenance of high inflation rates despite the collapse of output .
10 High inflation rates in the early period of the Wilson government settled it : new primary roads for London could not be afforded .
11 Yesterday he kept up his high strike rate on the continent when winning on Spaghetti Western for John Dunlop in Italy .
12 SHe 'd heard about how gender meddling had been outlawed because of the high suicide rate among the successfully mutated .
13 The trade-off is a significant loss in the quality of the motion which depends on a reasonably high frame rate for the illusion of smooth , flicker-free movement .
14 This concentration of digestion at the incisor tips is highly characteristic of the prey assemblages of the category 2 species ( Fig. 3.22 F-I ) , and must be linked with heavier digestion combined with the high retention rate of the incisors in the jaws ( Tables 3.6 and 3.8 ) , most of the digestion occurring while the incisors are still in place in the jaws ( Fig. 3.22 H ) : in the long-eared owl samples , four times as many in situ incisors are digested as isolated incisors and three times as many for Verreaux eagle owl ( data from Table 3.13 ) .
15 The high birth rates of the 1950s and 1960s are projected to increase the numbers of young elderly from 2011 .
16 Robbins also related to the upskilling debate — the expansion of education and the high birth rate of the immediate post-war period , for example , had given rise to a shortage of qualified teachers especially in primary schools , and changes in the numbers of white-collar jobs available to women had also given rise to a demand for better qualified and certificated female labour .
17 And if Hasan was just an ordinary little boy , why did he have such an alarmingly high success rate in the prophetic-dreams department ?
18 The NHS has traditionally recruited large numbers of learners to compensate for high wastage rates from the profession .
19 THE Metropolitan Police are launching a recruitment campaign among blacks and Asians next year following criticism by MPs yesterday of low recruitment figures and a disturbingly high wastage rate among the ethnic minorities .
20 The adoption in the 1950s and 1960s by western economies of demand-management policies to combat unemployment in the main kept unemployment rates down and we saw no return to the extremely high unemployment rates of the 1930s .
21 This study , however , had to end prematurely , apparently because of the high relapse rate in the fibre rich group .
22 On long term follow up , the mean number of symptomatic recurrences was greater in the corrosive group , but this was largely due to a very high recurrence rate during the early period of follow up .
23 The widespread acceptance of floating exchange rates has been associated with a period of less favourable economic developments , such as massive payments imbalances arising from large but often irregular oil prices increases , declining commodity prices ( which seriously affect less developed economies ) , high interest rates during the 1980s ( which worsened the debt position of many countries ) , and lower average economic growth compared with the Bretton Woods era .
24 Once you 've created the jobs for people it has given the economies an upturn and I feel it 's rather a shame that the erm the great problems of the of the Germans particularly have put that pressure for high interest rates through the er E R M , through those currencies and one , I think , good thing of Britain 's disaster last year , with with their position in the E R M , is that by lowering interest rates , if we only had a government who wanted to use that opportunity probably , we could train people for for work .
25 That planning has been poor is more the fault of the economy than BR , the high interest rates at the end of 1989 being seen as likely to repeat the recession of 1981 out of which we climbed so painfully .
26 In the guilds , ’ the young man continued , ‘ there are always small groups or societies prepared to lend money at high interest rates to the nobles or to other merchants .
27 The need by the USA to finance the deficit by — in effect — foreign borrowing is regarded as a major factor sustaining high interest rates in the USA as well as other countries .
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