Example sentences of "small [noun sg] to pay for [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Sergei Yushenkov , a leading democrat in the Russian parliament , guesses that , for less than $10m , you could bribe enough deputies to resign , making it impossible for parliament to form a quorum and thus forcing a general election : a small price to pay for removing a big obstacle to reform .
2 But the council beleives that will be a small price to pay for saving a life .
3 Bowling took no further part in the proceedings , but he may think it a small price to pay for providing one of the turning points in a memorable match .
4 Small price to pay for providing your child with the most valuable gift of all .
5 He , of course , would have to take a glass or two , enough to make him moderately sick , but that would be a small price to pay for finishing off Elinor , not to mention Mr and Mrs Is-the-Mitsubishi-Scratched-Yet and Nazi Who Escaped justice at Nuremberg .
6 At least while the enemy is shooting up your Pump Wagon he 's ignoring the rest of your army as it storms forward , and at 40 points each that 's a small price to pay for keeping your core units intact .
7 Her bruises stung badly as she anointed herself with gel , but the discomfort was a small price to pay for feeling clean again .
8 A few hours of work at night would be a small price to pay for lolling about one of the most beautiful and secluded vacation spots in the world during the day .
9 This was accepted as a small price to pay for having the wide range of voltage output , and unless a load situation arises which takes a rapidly fluctuating current from some low value up to beyond 3A at the 15V point , the performance of the unit is quite satisfactory .
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