Example sentences of "to have come [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Spain was reported to have come under pressure from the EC 's Schengen group to tighten up immigration control ; the ultimate aim of the current Schengen Agreement signatories ( the Benelux countries , France , Germany and Italy ) was the abolition of border controls throughout the EC with an accompanying strengthening of external frontiers .
2 On the one hand , having been ‘ on the scene ’ for some time , they were more likely to have come into contact with other injectors .
3 In the sixth century they were said to have come originally from the island of Scandza , to have migrated to the Black Sea , and thence to have come into contact with the Roman Empire .
4 More than 500 staff and 450 GPs who are believed to have come into contact with the man are being tested separately .
5 Health officials at the Countess of Chester Hospital , where the man works , have set up an emergency clinic to carry out skin tests on the youngsters and 500 staff who are known to have come into contact with the man .
6 Certainly geography helped and prevailing economic conditions played an important part , but most towns seem to have come into existence as a result of conscious decisions .
7 But cumulative selection can not work unless there is some minimal machinery of replication and replicator power , and the only machinery of replication that we know seems too complicated to have come into existence by means of anything less than many generations of cumulative selection !
8 We have seen that living things are too improbable and too beautifully " designed " to have come into existence by chance .
9 The answer , Darwin 's answer , is by gradual , step-by-step transformations from simple beginnings , from primordial entities sufficiently simple to have come into existence by chance .
10 Despite 19 years of close co-operation with Kohl , Teltschik was known to have come into conflict with Genscher at the Foreign Ministry .
11 A standard vessel in the later Greek period was the peniekonier , the fifty-oar ship , thought by Bury ( 1951 ) to have come into use in the eighth century BC , and it may be that the seal showing a vessel with thirty oars was intended to represent the Minoan forerunner of this Greek type of warship .
12 The term ‘ New Criticism ’ seems to have come into circulation with the publication in 1941 of a book of that title by the American poet and critic John Crowe Ransom .
13 The family appear to have come to England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth when several glassmakers from Lorraine were invited to practise their skills in this country .
14 He seemed to have come to terms with the end of his career but the fact he never spoke about his feelings was always a worry . ’
15 Nomadism is not the only unusual farming practice to have come to light as a result of the team 's research in the rainforests of South-east Asia .
16 The latter is said to have come to Karaman in order to study under Cemaleddin Aksarayi , although he almost abandoned the journey on reading that scholar 's in which he was very much disappointed .
17 Now , the idea for the curtained cab appears to have come to Flaubert as a result of his own eccentric conduct in Paris when anxious to avoid running into Louise Colet .
18 According to Mr. Mahmoud , he admitted them because they pretended to have come on behalf of the insurers .
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