Example sentences of "quite apart from [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Value properties , for me , are really there in the world quite apart from a valuer 's responses to it , but have a necessary effect on the will of him who knows of them .
2 Some healers ( especially acupuncturists ) are even able to smell the aura — and this is quite apart from a person 's usual body odour .
3 Moreover , Le Pen 's party , despite a professed desire to rejuvenate French politics , has done more to make it absurd than any other , quite apart from the base populist ideas which it propagates .
4 Quite apart from the help to me , I think it would be of benefit to the Society to encourage research , which would inevitably lead to a better understanding of the BCR 's difficulties and the important part it played in the district 's life .
5 Fortunately , the vast majority of local history projects undertaken by the amateur , part-time researcher can be brought to totally satisfactory conclusion without the need to study ancient documents at first hand , for it must be said that , quite apart from the difficulties inherent in the Anglo-Saxon , Norman French , and Latin languages , the task of reading early styles of handwriting can be formidable .
6 Quite apart from the work which went into recording on the main islands of the Outer Hebrides , a great deal of effort also went into visiting the less accessible islands and outliers .
7 so I 've shared a room with erm this chap Tom who was er he had been in the First World War and er though he seemed old to me at the time , I suppose he was probably in his thirties and erm he joined the Home Guard and erm lived , because he was bombed out where he lived in he moved out to Coptock had accommodation out there and er he was in the unit at Coptock and so that used to take up quite a bit of his time and other erm members of staff were , of course also had fire watching and erm various civil defence activities , quite apart from the work on the A R P shifts .
8 However , quite apart from the persistence of a great deal of ‘ geography of the British Isles ’ syllabuses , the new scientific and conceptual geography has not appeared in schools because of some intrinsic merit .
9 A cut-and-cover tunnel would involve slicing a great swathe through the wood to construct the tunnel , quite apart from the £10 million that it would cost .
10 Quite apart from the ones I killed ( and they were all about the same age I was when I murdered them ) I can think of at least three of our family who went to whatever they imagined their Maker was like in unusual ways .
11 Quite apart from the memory of the treatment Mrs Thatcher had dealt out to ‘ It Took a Riot ’ , around the time of the 1983 general election Heseltine was telling friends he was very concerned about an accretion of power to the premiership ( this was the period when the possibility of a prime minister 's department or , at the very least , a beefed-up Downing Street Policy Unit was being floated ) .
12 Quite apart from the limitations on law reform in general which such an argument would appear to justify , if the views of the public are of any significance at all in this context , then it must be its view of what the law ought to be rather than what it is .
13 Quite apart from the liability imposed upon the owner of animals or the person having control of them by reason of knowledge of their propensities , there is the ordinary duty of a person to take care either that his animal or his chattel is not put to such a use as is likely to injure his neighbour — the ordinary duty to take care in the cases put upon negligence . ’
14 Quite apart from the threat of legal proceedings from sect appointed lawyers , he also had Deputy Commissioner Elrick eagerly awaiting the slightest slip on his part , to pounce and nail his ass to the wall with a disciplinary hearing .
15 Quite apart from the question of the right of return , or even the strong feelings which this issue engenders , there are compelling physical and economic reasons for at least a partial return .
16 Quite apart from the question of air pollution , individual cars are avid consumers of valuable energy sources which will not last forever .
17 The argument that , quite apart from the question of recklessness , the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 1976 ( which only came into force in the UK in December 1986 ) does as a matter of law override the limitation provisions of both the Hague-Visby Rules and the Athens Convention ( for passenger claims ) will not be easily accepted by Norton Rose .
18 The ‘ cost ’ of the Government 's overall strategy of creating an incentive-based society has been high — quite apart from the hardship caused to the millions of individuals affected .
19 The problem here is that , quite apart from the possibility that collusion might be concealed , the observation that firms communicated and appeared to reach agreement need not imply that the collusive outcome was actually achieved ( as in the above bidding example ) , while if collusion is tacit there will be no evidence of communication and negotiation .
20 ‘ However we describe it , and I blame myself as much as anyone else , Charles , believe me , we need some heavy investment , quite apart from the insurance money … to keep afloat .
21 Since the launch of the WISE I bus in 1984 vehicles have been used for periods of between one and three weeks in some 100 LEAs and 1000 schools throughout England , Scotland and Wales , quite apart from the members of the public who have seen the vehicles at exhibitions , conferences and special events .
22 Quite apart from the members of the public who have seen the vehicles at exhibitions and conferences , it is estimated that more than 100,000 school girls have benefited from ‘ hands on ’ experience of new technologies .
23 But the old false syllogism , " English Literature is printed in books : books are in libraries : therefore the English teacher should be the school librarian " , overlooks those sections of the stock that are scientific or concern number , those sections of the stock that are not in English at all , and those sections of the stock largely in pictorial form — quite apart from the service of the library to history , geography , sociology , crafts , and other subject departments , and the usefulness of non-book formats to all comers .
24 Quite apart from the problem of the factual reliability of old books ( is it so , for example , that there really are such eidoli and angeli as Williams , Abelard , Pseudo-Dionysus and Plato believed ? ) , we meet , much earlier , the simple difficulty of adjusting to old meanings .
25 Quite apart from the problem that Evelyn seemed to like him .
26 Quite apart from the problem of reconciling these propositions with internationally comparative evidence on rises in real wages , increases in the share of wages in national income , and the growth of the service sector , the analysis fails to take account of the skills created by new technology — skills which have been exploited to powerful effect by those who possess and control them .
27 Quite apart from the problem as to how this massive chunk of basic igneous rock became rounded , it is difficult to use a term other than " catastrophic " for the arrival of such a pebble .
28 Quite apart from the problems of decreased fertility and the dangers of ectopic pregnancy , the chronic ill-health and malaise which often follow infection of the tubes make this complication one to be avoided at all costs .
29 Quite apart from the problems caused by differing survival rates for different materials ( depending on the materials and the conditions ) , and by insufficient dating evidence , archaeological interpretation is limited by the nature of the evidence itself .
30 But there are revealing similarities between the two explanations , quite apart from the tact that in both cases the ‘ authority ’ on homosexuality is an avowed heterosexual male , and one cited anonymously at that .
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