Example sentences of "when he return to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Carlisle 's negotiations for the restoration of the long-standing English trading privileges withdrawn on the execution of Charles I were unsuccessful , as were Hebdon 's own efforts when he returned to Russia in 1667 for the last time , this time as envoy himself .
2 One of the foremost Spanish Renaissance artists , SiloƩ executed the three panels between 1519 , when he returned to Italy , and 1528 , when he left for Granada .
3 He stayed at Oxford as a private teacher of botany and flower painting until 1755 , when he returned to London to the friends and patrons who appreciated his great talent .
4 Lee died in 1928 , aged 48 , and was replaced by J. Pringle who served in Scotland until 1935 when he returned to London as Chief Palaeontologist .
5 Her brother Joshua moved to Herefordshire in 1822 and remained there until 1841 , when he returned to London , where he remained until his death in 1847 .
6 Trained at the Royal College of Art , Paris studios , and in Italy , Havell joined the Madras School of Arts as principal in 1884 , a post he held until 1892 , when he returned to England .
7 He was remembering again the time when he returned to England fifteen years ago from the tropical island on which he had been left .
8 Kenneth Matiba received a hero 's welcome from thousands of cheering supporters when he returned to Kenya on May 2 after 10 months in London .
9 Certainly Gladstone 's view of society was less useful in 1880 when he returned to power for a second time , then , as Chamberlain reminded him , social legislation had become a parliamentary issue .
10 But there were problems when he returned to Stellenbosch and offered his coaching talents to an Indian school .
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