Example sentences of "came [prep] be known as " in BNC.

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1 Divided up into three groupings , the A , B , and C special constabularies , according to diminishing power , responsibility , and time commitment , the force was soon cut down to class B only and these came to be known as the ‘ B Specials ’ , a thoroughly armed , militant , semi-private , and sectarian army .
2 the values of communitas are strikingly present in the literature and behaviour of what came to be known as the ‘ beat generation ’ , who were succeeded by the ‘ hippies ’ … [ and who ] opt out of the status-bound social order and acquire the stigmata of the lowly …
3 In Canada it came to be known as ‘ The 10 Lost Years ’ , which were devastating for those on the prairies and very difficult for those in the cities .
4 The impression which was made upon the British by what came to be known as the Canadian model was correspondingly deep and powerful .
5 Throughout the summer the dolphin , who came to be known as Opo , played with swimmers , performed tricks , escorted boats in the harbour , and for 11 weeks received regular newspaper coverage .
6 One skipper who sought to reduce the carnage discovered that trapped dolphins could be released from nets by the use of a manoeuvre which came to be known as ‘ backdown . ’
7 These came to be known as ‘ Hans Sloane plants ’ , although he died before their reproduction .
8 During the 19th and 20th centuries , this came to be known as the policy of the balance of power , and was principally associated with perfidious Albion .
9 The old monastic sites along the Twyver later came to be known as Barnwood , Court Farm , Fishers , Woods , Browns , Morins and Abbey Mills , the latter adjacent to the Cathedral , in what became known as Millers Green .
10 Humphrey Austin leased the mill , but in 1806 he bought what came to be known as New Mills .
11 The only safe definition is negative : it is a school which admits pupils of all academic standards and without a test or assessment of ability ( save in so far as that may be used to secure what came to be known as ‘ a balanced intake ’ ) .
12 ‘ It was when the friend of the family , Donald Templeton , the trusted and valued doctor who attended both Farr and his wife , came to call that the plans of the man who came to be known as the Wimbledon poisoner came badly unstuck .
13 It may have been a glamorous enough life on stage and , despite the famous Tiller ethos , at the stage door , where the young lads who laid siege to the girls came to be known as Stage Door Johnnies .
14 IN 1815 Sir Humphry Davy , later to become president of the Royal society , invented what came to be known as the Davy miner 's safety lamp .
15 It was Samuel Heinicke who pioneered the pure oral system of teaching the deaf in Germany with the foundation of his school in 1760 , a method of teaching which has persisted in that country ever since and which in the nineteenth century came to be known as the ‘ German System ’ .
16 People soon took sides either for or against what came to be known as the Council 's ‘ green belt ’ or ‘ anti-dispersal ’ policy .
17 She introduced soft blues , and a colour that came to be known as de Chavigny grey : the rooms , understated and severe , were the perfect backdrop for the jewellery and the silver .
18 Whether on purpose or by mistake , Kimberly was exchanged for the baby who came to be known as Arlena Twigg .
19 The women decided that matters had to change , and , over the course of time , instituted what came to be known as the Courts of Love .
20 The people and Government of Mexico take pride in supporting what came to be known as ‘ The Declaration Of Stockholm , ’ a key component of which called for declaring the 5th June World Environment Day .
21 After winning an amateur talent contest in Chicago at the age of 15 , the woman who came to be known as the Queen Of The Blues spent the next few years singing in low-life nightclubs , occasionally supplementing her meagre income by cleaning lavatories .
22 While they acknowledge that Alexander 's Macedonia was indeed an Hellenic culture which in turn extended Hellenic influence to much of Europe and Asia , they maintain that after the seventh century AD , what came to be known as Macedonia had an important Slavic component .
23 The analogy was an apt one , for the book helped to set in motion the new movement which came to be known as Dialectical Theology , and whose leading lights , apart from Barth himself , were Brunner , Bultmann and Gogarten .
24 France simply refused thereafter to attend any further meetings of the Council of Ministers , provoking what came to be known as the ‘ empty chair ’ crisis .
25 Thus they came to be known as Dark Elves .
26 This system was subsequently adopted as standard in UK registered aircraft and came to be known as the ‘ hot mike ’ system .
27 Journalists christened his daily briefings ‘ the Falt follies ’ , a self-conscious reference to the American briefings in Vietnam which came to be known as ‘ the five o'clock follies ’ .
28 They made the Navigation Acts effective ; in the colonies the legislation came to be known as ‘ the Acts of Trade ’ , which expressed rather well the way that , while the Acts ' main importance to England lay in their encouragement to shipping , their main impact on the colonies came in the way they affected the pattern of trade that was developing .
29 On balance the trading aspects of what came to be known as the Old Colonial System probably favoured England more than the colonies , though the colonial monopoly of English markets was a substantial counterweight to English monopoly of colonial trade .
30 Consequently the policy of expanding and then contracting demand , which came to be known as ‘ stop — go ’ , was a result of the direct conflict between the employment and balance of payments objectives since control over the level of aggregate demand was relied upon in order to achieve both goals .
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