Example sentences of "as far as [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( 1986 ) that , as far as causal reasoning is concerned , the generative transmission principle is more fundamental than the temporal priority principle .
2 That bias towards comfort has meant compromises as far as sporting handling is concerned ; so you do n't have to put up with a jittery ride over poorly made up roads .
3 ‘ The year 1967 was something of an annus mirabilis as far as liberal legislation in the sphere of sexual mores was concerned . ’
4 As far as overall weight is concerned , it 's surprisingly manageable and its size puts it into the larger car boot category for transport .
5 Electronic records remain a problem as far as evidential law is concerned because there are questions of admissibility[3] and the value or weight the court will give to such records .
6 The bedrock aspirations these educators have had in common , as far as early childhood educational opportunities are concerned , are expressed in a recently published book which is based on contemporary research and which shows the continuing aspiration for a comprehensive preschool service :
7 But , as far as early season form will allow , London Scottish ( Division Two ) , Clifton ( Division Three ) , London Welsh ( Division Four South ) and Wade Dooley 's Preston Grasshoppers ( Division Four North ) , all are strong promotion candidates .
8 This point concerns slaughter , which has been mentioned already ; however , I would just mention that as far as religious slaughter is concerned , recent research makes it absolutely clear that animals which are killed by cutting their throats can go for between 15 and 120 seconds able to detect what is going on around them .
9 As far as regional planning guidance is concerned , there is none .
10 You have the County Council sitting on an absolute goldmine as far as that land 's concerned .
11 This as far as this is my personal opinion as far as that claim is concerned , that that is totally and utterly valid .
12 As far as that sort of thing goes they ca n't be faulted .
13 The New Moon in your opposite sign of Scorpio on the 29th should prove exciting and rather eventful as far as one involvement or partnership is concerned — and obviously 1989 is by no means over yet , not by a long chalk .
14 I would not go as far as one group which makes ‘ coupleness and a sense of call in husband and wife ’ one of their ten non-negotiables for church planters .
15 As studies have focused on the immediate pregnancy related complications of gestational diabetes it is not surprising that the value of such screening has not been properly investigated as far as long term complications are concerned .
16 Although all broad classes of materials ( ceramics , metals , polymers and composites ) are used in dentistry , a recent survey suggests that , as far as international research is concerned , the overwhelming interest is in polymeric restorative materials and the bonding of these materials to teeth or other restorative materials .
17 Althusser 's reason for assigning these strategies to different practices is , I think , that he believes that they achieve a single result ( as far as economic practice is concerned ) in radically different ways .
18 As far as economic efficiency is concerned it is irrelevant whether surplus accrues to consumers or to producers .
19 As far as static operation is concerned , therefore , there is a considerable advantage in using a high gear ratio to link the motor and load , since the effective load torque at the motor is reduced and the allowable static position error increases compared to the situation where the motor and load are directly connected .
20 There is therefore no benefit , as far as static position error is concerned , in exciting a three-phase variable-reluctance motor with two-phases-on , rather than one-phase-on .
21 Before long they opened a grocery-cum-delicatessen in a good position as far as passing trade was concerned .
22 While it may not be reasonable to go as far as official opinion , there was some truth in Stalin 's retrospective judgement at the 12th Party Congress :
23 The exact role of sleep is uncertain , but , in humans as in other animals , it is a very active process as far as electrical activity in the brain is concerned .
24 There is a substantial amount of evidence for peasant discontent before 1381 , most of it ( as far as existing evidence shows ) being concentrated in the Central and East Midlands and in the Home Counties , precisely those parts of England where manorialization was most fully developed .
25 ‘ My dear girl , I may be moronic as far as modern music is concerned , but I have attended classical concerts in my time .
26 Some amateur associations went as far as legal prosecution to prevent any payment or pro fit being derived from the activities they controlled .
27 Well I do n't know because North Yorkshire 's pretty sort of erm er pretty rife as far as black magic is concerned .
28 Kicking sand in the face of established practice , Jon Edgson is something of a rebel as far as interior design is concerned .
29 Maude Stanley was only expressing a truism , as far as respectable society was concerned , when she advised that in starting a club ‘ discipline and order are the first requisites ’ .
30 The alliance is the first of a series of strategic partnerships Scopus is looking at to complement its functionality as far as automatic testing , test management , source code control , automatic phone call distribution equipment , project planning , software licence management and front-end design CASE tools .
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