Example sentences of "as far [verb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 King , therefore , sold the Southern shares to D C Thomson of Dundee — about as far removed from a ‘ regional ’ interest as could be imagined .
2 La Cage aux Folles A gay film , certainly ; but as far removed from the work of Derek Jarman as one can get without actually leaving this solar system .
3 Indeed , the beginning of the period is as far removed from the end of it as we human beings are removed from it in history .
4 Looking through windows , sitting in local cafes , as far removed from the tourist beats as possible , shopping at small shops selling local food .
5 Given this numerical limit and the need to interview users as far removed from the known sector as practicable , it was also decided to restrict the number of referrals from each informant in the chain to two .
6 Even a writer as far removed from the field covered in this book as John Le Carré owes a great deal , in all but his latest work , to the blueprint detective story .
7 She could sleep now in peace and with her windows open to sweet air and silence , nothing to disturb her in the mornings but birdsong and the lowing of Colonel Covington-Pym 's cattle , the barking of a dog that would most certainly be a pedigree animal bred for the retrieving of partridge and pheasant , as far removed from the yapping mongrel-packs of Frizingley as could be .
8 WordStar for Windows 1.5 , however , is as far removed from the DOS WordStars as it is possible to be .
9 She had driven over to him after the metamorphosis had been completed to her satisfaction — not just the punk hair-do , short spiky , crimson-dyed and outrageous — and the make-up , orange domino mask and a curve of ochre on the cheeks — but clothes , too , tight , tarty , as far removed from the Victorian image as possible .
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