Example sentences of "government announce [conj] it be " in BNC.

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1 In April 1954 , the government announced that it was proposing to appoint a Departmental Committee to examine and report on the law on homosexual offences and the ‘ parallel ’ problem of the law relating to prostitution .
2 In 1979 the government announced that it was determined , unlike the previous Labour administration , to control and reduce public expenditure .
3 On May 14 the Chilean government announced that it was willing to reach an agreement with the US government to compensate the families of the victims killed or injured in the car bombing which was widely acknowledged to have been masterminded by agents of Pinochet 's DINA secret police .
4 In May 1991 the government announced that it was to rejoin the Union of Banana Exporting Countries ( UPEB ) which it had left four years before .
5 Although a decision on the application was not expected until after the completion of the single internal market in December 1992 , the Maltese government announced that it was preparing to become an EC member within the next five years .
6 On Dec. 20 the government announced that it was expelling two Palestinian brothers suspected of links with Sabri Khalil al Banna ( " Abu Nidal " ) , the leader of the Fatah Revolutionary Council .
7 Following the Commission 's order of June 28 , 1990 , that the £42,900,000 in " sweeteners " paid to British Aerospace at the time of its purchase of the Rover motor group should be repaid , the UK government announced that it was suing British Aerospace for the return of the money , and Rover for another £1,500,000 [ see pp. 37582-83 ] .
8 On Nov. 25 the new coalition government announced that it was to close the prison in the north-western town of Eskisehir where human rights groups had alleged that torture of political prisoners took place .
9 A Chinese delegation , headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Xu Dunxin , visited Brunei on April 10-13 , 1991 , after which the government announced that it was considering the matter of establishing diplomatic relations with China and wished to have economic and cultural exchanges .
10 On Dec. 3 the South African government announced that it was withdrawing its diplomatic representatives from Angola .
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