Example sentences of "must go [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These dicta in Knuller emphasize that the effect of publication must go beyond immoral suggestion or persuasion , and constitute a serious menace .
2 ‘ It has hardly been seen so far and it really must go on public view .
3 Much of the credit for that must go to New Zealander George Simpkin , the man who made a name for himself as coach of Waikato and subsequently as coach of Fiji in the 1987 World Cup .
4 The alternative to keeping quiet about these problems is , of course , to deny their very existence , and the prize for the most successful campaign of VD eradication , or alternatively the rarest piece of dissembling , must go to Communist China which claims to have got rid of syphilis in the ten years after 1950 .
5 They must go to that sewerage is n't it ?
6 The first round produced no other surprises but credit must go to Fourth Division Birmingham University who played defending champions Bere Forest and , against the odds and much to the crowd 's delight , took a first half lead before Forest eventually came back strongly to win 4–1 .
7 It 's too much , if you ever have too much you can just fold a bit down , if you have a big bandage you can fold either of those edges down first if you 've got too much and then you fold it forward and back , now your pin sticks in , but all the material and out of all the material and it goes in a straight upward direction , again it must go in that direction so that if per chance it comes undone it falls out and drops on the floor , whereas if it was sideways or downwards it would open and stick in your casualty , so that 's why we have it done that way .
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