Example sentences of "over the last two centuries " in BNC.

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1 Over the last two centuries minority unrest has often stemmed from a thwarted intelligentsia impatient for power and capable of perceiving its nationality 's relative backwardness .
2 A fascinating and challenging work , by internationally renowned Marxist historian E. J. Hobsbawm , tracing the history of nations and nationalism over the last two centuries and dispelling much of the myth that surrounds modern nationalism .
3 Easily Accessible : Reeth is a large village with good amenities , including shops and cafes and a local folk museum detailing the history of the region over the last two centuries .
4 According to the society for the preservation of ‘ Rijper ’ windows , vandalism , neglect , war and fire have caused the loss of some 8000 square metres of painted glass in The Netherlands over the last two centuries — there are barely 4,400 square metres left .
5 Over the last two centuries , the relationship between the press and the political parties has gone through many changes .
6 Since there have been very significant changes in population structure and family composition over the last two centuries , any discussion of how family relationships have changed must always acknowledge that we are not comparing like with like — an observation which of course itself calls into question the over-simplified view of a gradual deterioration of family ties from pre-industrial society to the present day .
7 The most striking aspect of prison reform over the last two centuries is how little of it there has been .
8 John Howard , acutely aware of such slippage , argued that good staff and external vigilance were essential if reform efforts were to be sustained , but this view , as we look back over the last two centuries , may have been unduly optimistic .
9 However , there is no doubt that the most important event for the museum will be the exhibition ‘ Au Louvre d'après les Maîtres ’ ( 26 April to 23 June 1993 ) that chronicles the active role played by the Louvre in the history of art over the last two centuries .
10 Most of the major advances in the social sciences over the last two centuries , including the work of Freud and Marx , should lead us to be suspicious of any equation of importance with surface , suggesting that there are other forces both historical and unconscious which underlie this arena of language and linguistically articulated intent .
11 Some of these are further extended in the detached bungalow analysed by King ( 1984 ) , as part of an opposition to elements of modernity and urbanization which constitute the major transformations of the environment over the last two centuries .
12 After all , they argue , there have been massive population movements within the country over the last two centuries with no apparent long-term ill-effect .
13 In the Muslim world over the last two centuries , Western recipes have been used for government and society .
14 Above all , instrumental and purposive rationality has been at the heart of the whole project of Western science and technology which has , over the last two centuries , transformed the natural and social orders .
15 We have a list of murders stretching back over the last two centuries for which you are responsible . ’
16 An important element is the development of a database recording all the 100,000 ships built over the last two centuries .
17 Judicial attitudes in both Britain and America have changed sharply over the last two centuries about the issue common to Elmer 's case and the snail darter case : how far and in what way legislative intention is relevant in reading statutes .
18 Bankings which have been torn apart over the last two centuries and then rebuilt and rebuilt again may have to be moved back to take the sting out of the pile-driving force of the river in spate .
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