Example sentences of "how far [pron] can [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To give meaning in prototype theory is to determine how far something can differ from the prototype and still be a member of the class .
2 It reveals how close U2 can come to being a straightforward rock group — one of those ! — and simultaneously how far they can move away from that .
3 If you want to know how how far they can go , read The Leading Edge , an occasional bulletin published by the Nevada Aerial Research Group that generally carries at least 15 of the biggest stories in the history of mankind in each issue .
4 Teenagers frequently appear to be resentful of parents or teachers but in reality this is often a sign that they are testing authority and seeing just how far they can go .
5 Second , how do they know how far they can go ?
6 Children do this frequently to see just how far they can go .
7 Once you go through reception they do n't know what you 're like , or what your background is , but they tend to be rough with you and push you and see how far they can go — and most of the girls crack .
8 Tantrums are also a way for children to test out boundaries : at the age of two or three , they are finding out just how far they can go with their parents , and how much control they can gain .
9 They 're also testing exactly how far they can go with mum and dad .
10 I think it would affect their marriages , their inter-personal relationships , their co-habitations , the way that they deal with people at work , their sense of who they are in the world and how far they can go in the world , and I think that 's what makes the problem so serious because it has very , very long-reaching effects .
11 When I go skiing I want dozens of fast tows to whisk me to the top of runs and ensure I do n't have to queue for 20 minutes behind a junior racing team , trying to unclip each other 's bindings and seeing how far they can spit .
12 They do it to test people , to see how far they can push you .
13 There are difficulties in identifying areas common to the brains of people and other animals and , even when that can be done , it is unclear how far one can rely on the areas working in exactly the same way .
14 It is accepted that such activities are not merely a matter of skill , but questions are asked about how far the ‘ knowledge ’ in such fields is capable of being explicated and taught in an explicit rather than tacit , intuitive or mimetic manner , or how far one can develop standard or consensual criteria for judging performance .
15 In practice there is a limit to how far we can elongate a fat particle ; this places a lower limit ( c. 25% ) on the fat content of a cream which can be whipped .
16 Two answers may be given : first , just as they illuminate many other areas of social life , the methods and findings of our rivals may help us understand the work of the professions ( to illustrate this , some of my examples will be drawn from medical novels ; no doubt legal novels will be equally instructive ) ; second , it is not clear how far we can go in understanding other occupations ' behaviour unless we grasp that of our own .
17 We do need to be able to show forgiveness in all the things that we do but it is n't easy and Jesus devotion to is a great challenge to us as to just how far we can go .
18 So , having broken down our hypothesis into smaller testable parts we have now to decide how far we can hope to get with our present research project .
19 That said , there is a serious question about how far we can speak of ‘ women 's languages ’ or ‘ genderlects ’ in the same way we talk of ‘ Lancashire dialect ’ or ‘ Jamaican creole ’ .
20 Instead he proposes an approach that asks the question ‘ How do these people deal with certain basic human predicaments ? ’ and makes the pertinent point that ‘ the problem is not the quality we have isolated , e.g. , aggression , but how far we can get with an adequate description of what we have found ’ .
21 There too there is no straightforward unchallengeable meaning , but let's see how far we can get with one immediately obvious sense of screen — that it is a something , noticeable in itself , behind which other things happen .
22 I want to consider how far we can use descriptions of the Belfast and Hiberno-English vowel system to reflect on the past — specifically on aspects of the Early ModE vowel system .
23 How far this will work depends on how far we can inject into cross-curricular work the essence of our ideas and make them genuine focuses of our work ( and not peripheral elements ) .
24 ‘ I think we should be given lessons on that and then we could make up our minds about whether we are being used by a boy seeing how far he can go , or whether the boy is really interested in us .
25 How far he can go in the absence of restrictive covenants is dealt with later .
26 A pro knows within a few yards how far he can hit the ball with each club — unlike the club golfer who has a wide variation from day to day , and even from hole to hole .
27 That Emilia makes the speech suggests that Leapor at this point in her career is uncertain of how far she can press the argument .
28 To see how far I can go with them , sometimes .
29 As JAA expands , its costs will increase , but the JAA Board have put very tight limits on how far it can go .
30 What really matters is an attempt to limit a hypothesis , derived from a theory , and to see how far it can withstand rigorous testing .
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