Example sentences of "should provide [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Network General also intends that SnifferMaster for Windows should provide future integration with other Windows-based systems such as the Novell Inc NetWare Management System .
2 While these methods are not guaranteed to work , they should provide suitable guidelines for other workers .
3 The supplementary guidance to our terms of reference notes that ‘ the curriculum should provide equal opportunities for boys and girls . ’
4 Your local social services department should provide various services for people who are sick or disabled through HIV ; exactly what is available varies widely from one area to another , but may include providing special equipment , adaptations , telephones and travel concessions .
5 The investigation should provide empirical evidence for evaluating such theoretical propositions which have not been previously tested .
6 Reports should provide useful information for evaluating both management and programmes .
7 The system should provide extensive facilities for the review of text already entered , so that the editor may immediately examine any portion of the full text .
8 AFTER considerable deliberation , Ropley Parish Council have decided to suggest the name ‘ Dunsells View ’ for the new village development , which should provide eight bungalows for rent by the end of November .
9 Arts should provide disabled people with ways of confirming their own identity and , as a secondary gain , inform , educate and attract the non-disabled world .
10 As well as providing a control on the extrapolation of geological boundaries , the cryptic compositional variations between the turbidite units should provide new insights into the different provenances that contributed material for the sedimentary infill .
11 The instrument should provide new clues about the structure of materials .
12 The let down has to be the video speed , but otherwise , we 're looking at a solidly built machine that should provide good service for years .
13 Shops should provide greater information on healthy foods at the point of sale .
14 Table lamps should provide concentrated areas of light .
15 However , it must be pointed out that not all monopoly suppliers act against the public interest ( eg it is not suggested even by the most ardent advocate of privatisation — refer to Chapter 3 — that the water supply or sewage disposal industries should provide competitive services to each household ; the duplication of resources in these cases would be extremely wasteful to society ) , nor do all oligopolies abuse their position .
16 Mr Wilson said the CPRE and others fought hard to have a requirement in the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act that ministers should provide free advice on conservation .
17 The 601 follow-on , the 603 , should provide Pentium-class performance for machines , especially portables , in the $1,000 to $2,000 range .
18 The 601 follow-on , the 603 , should provide Pentium-class performance for machines , especially portables , in the $1,000 to $2,000 range .
19 A small PP3 battery should provide enough power for several hours use .
20 The new system should provide reliable dates for objects 60000 years old ; the upper limit with existing radiocarbon techniques is 40000 years .
21 In the case of a two foot tank , we 've opted for just one uplift ( note the capped-off spare hole on the left ) which should provide adequate through-put of water throughout the gravel whether we choose air power or a powerhead .
22 This corresponds to two of the standard measurements made by recording stations and should provide adequate indications for radiocomms prediction .
23 It should provide quick reference on the important events and trends , including motive power , traffic , vehicles and safety , in the eighties .
24 The Investment Overview should be restricted in size and should provide basic details on the financial performance and type of business .
25 It is thought that 16 months should provide sufficient time for new pension arrangements to be set up , but if difficulties arose the powers in clause 12 would be available to the Secretary of State .
26 The results should provide valuable insights into marketing and purchasing , not only for local companies and British Gas , but in the wider context of the survival and growth of small companies in the economy as a whole .
27 The research should provide valuable insights into organisational arrangements and decision criteria for developing new products ; links between new product development and strategies for marketing , manufacturing and finance ; and management responses to movements in , and comments by observers of , UK equity markets .
28 This research should provide valuable information on an important aspect of driver behaviour and contribute to the continuing development of measures designed to improve road safety .
29 Based on detailed interviews with unemployed people who have attended courses , it should provide valuable information about the effectiveness ( or otherwise ) of the provision and the extent to which the liberal model , the social purpose model and/or the socialist community action model are implemented in practice .
30 Both Booth and Chamberlain argued that the state should provide old-age pensions of between 5s. and 10s. per week to enable those over sixty-five to live and die respectably , free from the stigma of pauperism .
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