Example sentences of "over [art] [adv] [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 Our own surveys confirm a strong switch towards optimism between our Mid-Term Wave in 1986 and our Pre-Campaign Wave in March 1987 , but over the relatively short period from our Pre-Campaign Wave to the end of the campaign overall trends in economic perceptions were small .
2 Nevertheless , they counter that the physical environment should not be considered a constant , even over the relatively short period of agricultural settlement in Great Britain , in part because of climatic change and its consequences , in part because of changes wrought by land use practices , and in part because of changed perceptions of the environment ; see also Prince ( 1971 ) , and Blaikie and Brookfield ( 1987 ) .
3 It has proved extremely difficult , too , to find significant changes in attitudes in many markets except over a rather long period — which does not disprove the theory , but suggests either that advertising does not work very fast , which no one wishes to admit , or that attitudes are not the whole of the story .
4 When you spread work like this over a very long period you are able to look into yourself , and see yourself in a great work of art .
5 The fact that it is very difficult to do does n't prevent a lot of people wishing to achieve it , but it is very seldom that , in the industrial world , anybody has achieved and held continuously a pre-eminent position over a very long period of time .
6 Investigations into the activities of this particular gang had been carried out over a very long period and they had been kept under constant surveillance by our officers who were thus able to feed us all the necessary information towards a successful interception .
7 We should be concerned about whether a science teacher is available to teach a science lesson , or whether the only person available is someone trained over a very short period .
8 Comparison of the contents of the first two editions of Craig 's ‘ Geology of Scotland ’ , published in 1965 and 1983 , reveals just how completely and all-pervasively this change took place over a very short period of time .
9 Like weather forecasting , we can be fairly accurate in our predictions over a very short period but looking further ahead is really a matter of guesswork .
10 Fussler and Simon , in Patterns in the use of books in large research libraries , affirmed that ‘ past use over a sufficiently long period is an excellent and by far the best predictor of future use ’ , although they observed , ‘ the confidence limits of prediction vary significantly from one subject to another ’ .
11 Incidentally , Dubhe and Alkaid are moving across the sky in a direction opposite to that of the remaining five stars , so that over a sufficiently long period the Plough will lose its familiar shape .
12 The corrosion emanated from the joint between the bottom of the pressure dome and the fuselage and there was nicotine tar staining on the edge of the corroded area indicating that it had developed over a relatively long period .
13 This was particularly the case with patients who had been given methadone reduction over a relatively long period of time , say two to three months .
14 Elicitation procedures make it possible to examine a very broad spectrum of linguistic abilities in a systematic manner over a relatively short period of time .
15 It appears entirely possible for a coronary artery to progress from one with hardly any narrowing to one which is completely blocked over a relatively short period of time ; and conversely , it is possible for a severe coronary stenosis to stay as a severe coronary stenosis without progressing for several years .
16 Our use of creatinine molar ratios has removed the source of experimental error involved in collecting total urine volumes over a relatively short period , and has revealed the existence of a log/ linear relation between concomitant changes in gastric acid secretion and UAO .
17 Amiens is the latest of the group and was built over a comparatively short period ( 1220–88 ) .
18 Moreover , a secretary attached to a legation or an embassy and not to an individual minister or ambassador , and remaining at his post over a fairly long period , could become a valuable source of information about local conditions : this might be of great help to a new head of mission coming to a strange country of which he knew little .
19 What we try to do is to make available to people opportunities for study in depth and over a fairly long period of time , on issues and in subjects which are part of University activity .
20 Most drama schools final productions are staged over a similar sort of schedule , which means agents are asked to see students ' work over a fairly compressed period .
21 Now it could be said of course that we do n't offer the same kind of very intense opportunities that are on offer to undergraduates , but in some senses , and many adults have testified to this , this is an advantage , because it enables people in their own time , and sometimes over a fairly prolonged period , to explore with a tutor , a scholar , the kind of interests that they have in the issues that have concerned them in society .
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