Example sentences of "three times [art] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Two or three times a week Brownies would call at Sundial Cottage to see if there was anything that needed doing — and there usually was .
2 Two to three times a week 31%
3 Salted meat or salted fish only three times a week maximum .
4 In my enormous experience , you ca n't beat liquid manure three times a week Mr Thrower .
5 John Hill from Cheltenham is a signwriter by profession … on water he 's three times a world champion
6 People in the top band in Wales will pay only three times the council tax of those at the bottom , although the value of their property is more than eight times greater .
7 In 70% of all species , young leaves suffered more than old ones , though they have two to three times the phenol concentrations .
8 The sterling rate of return is 54.7 per cent , nearly three times the dollar rate of return .
9 At present valuations , the figure being asked is around three times the price valuers working for the county council expect for common land with ancient rights over it …
10 I 'm told that unit sales should normally yield about three times the building costs , and that he gets this back within three to five years .
11 The time available for the motor to travel to the appropriate phase switching position is therefore three times the clock period .
12 A Bank of England probe revealed some charge nearly three times the base interest rate on loans .
13 This heading is quite extravagant on fabric and needs fullness of three times the track length for true box pleats which butt up against each other .
14 It was found to have almost three times the risk factor at which BR should have become concerned .
15 It was found to have almost three times the risk factor at which BR should have become concerned .
16 Bull reckons its systems integration business is growing at three times the market rate and claims to be the fourth largest systems integration business in Europe .
17 The move follows six months of negotiations during which the City of London , which owns some of the land on which the polytechnic is built , stuck out for a rent that one expert said was three times the market value ( New Scientist , 6 January , p 7 ) .
18 The arm length is about three times the disk diameter .
19 This having been said , the consultation generated almost three times the volume correspondence as the last major consultation on the revision of the practice rules in 1990 , and roughly four times as many responses as were received in connection with the consultation on multi-disciplinary partnerships in 1987 ( although more local law society responses were received to the 1987 consultation ) .
20 After checking this balancing they increased the current further to three times the starting value , and discovered an excess heat output of ten per cent over and above what they could account for going in .
21 Car makers General Motors , Ford and Chrysler are co-operating with the US government on a programme to develop vehicles with three times the fuel economy of today 's models .
22 It had also successfully lobbied for a prestigious residential development under the Community Development Block Grant programme , although the sale prices far exceeded the borrowing capacity of the majority of local residents ( median income was less than $7,000 in 1980 , whilst unemployment stood at three times the city average ) .
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