Example sentences of "on to the streets [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even Captain Kirk has stopped pushing back the frontiers of the universe boldly to go on to the streets as a cop with the unlikely name of Hooker , a case of Starsky being put into a hutch .
2 " Oh do n't get the wrong idea — I was n't driven on to the streets through grief , or nothing like that .
3 Most people do n't care if they live or die , but a few are willing to risk imprisonment by going on to the streets to hand out clean syringes .
4 Millions poured on to the streets of London on 29 July 1981 to be able to say they were there on the day , to tell their children and grandchildren what it was like .
5 The day of action on 22 September brought about 60,000 people on to the streets of London and , according to The Times , it was the ‘ biggest revolt for a decade ’ .
6 Just a few hours earlier British troops had been sent on to the streets of Northern Ireland .
7 JFK : flown down from Washington and flung together by the doctors ' knives and the sniper 's bullets and introduced on to the streets of Dallas and a hero 's welcome .
8 Is he not ashamed that so many children have been thrown on to the streets of Scotland while he has been Prime Minister ?
9 The dismissals were announced the day after Girija Prasad Koirala , the general secretary of the Nepali Congress Party , had delivered a message to the King warning him that unless substantial powers were quickly turned over to the new government , crowds would be called back on to the streets of Kathmandu .
10 Attempting unsuccessfully to repeat his 1987 tactics , Ershad had declared a state of emergency on Nov. 27 , 1990 , ordering troops on to the streets of the capital , Dhaka , to restore order [ see p. 37856 ] .
11 Ignoring a ban which the Serbian government had imposed on March 7 , some 100,000 people poured on to the streets of Belgrade to demand the resignations not only of the Milosevic administration but also of the senior officials of the Belgrade television network , tightly controlled by the SPS .
12 On April 10 the strike committee brought up to 100,000 people on to the streets of Minsk .
13 Comité de forces vives , brought tens of thousands of people on to the streets of the capital , Antananarivo , each day from June 10 to the end of the month to demonstrate for far-reaching political reforms .
14 On the morning of Aug. 19 , tanks were sent on to the streets of Moscow and other major cities as it was announced that President Mikhail Gorbachev had effectively been deposed .
15 On July 14 Ghozali gave evidence to the court about the events of June 1991 , when the army had been called on to the streets of Algiers to combat FIS supporters [ see p. 38312 ] .
16 She took the message out on to the streets of Stockton yesterday .
17 Home Secretary David Waddington has been speaking of his sense of outrage at Saturday 's Trafalgar Square riots saying it brought some of the most ferocious violence ever seen on to the streets of London .
18 A city where the buses stopped at eleven thirty , the pubs ushered their surprised foreign tourists on to the streets at five to eleven , and a meal after that meant Indian or Chinese .
19 The council 's ruling Labour group split on the issue , after leading opponents of the scheme claimed it would increase violence with drinkers spilling on to the streets at exactly the same time .
20 It was a visit to Peking by the Soviet president in May that helped to bring more than a million demonstrators out on to the streets on two successive days , pushing China 's student-led protest movement towards its tragic climax .
21 Hardline resistance to Mr Gaidar and his shock therapy programme , which conservatives say is sending millions into beggary , will not have ended with the vote in the Grand Kremlin Palace and is likely to move back on to the streets with more rabble-rousing in coming months .
22 In the Labour movement it never made much impact , for it always remained an alien force , financed and directed from outside , but it achieved something in taking the battle on to the streets in order to break up the meetings of the left .
23 Thousands of ethnic Serbs came on to the streets in their support .
24 However , the mainly peaceable daily demonstrations for democratic reform , which had brought tens of thousands on to the streets in the capital and other centres [ see pp. 38277 ; 38324 ] for the wave of strikes and demonstrations launched on June 10 ] , continued in the days following Razanamasy 's appointment .
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