Example sentences of "even though she be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 SCHOOL bosses have barred tragic cancer victim Lucy Roberts from the school all her friends will attend — even though she is already a pupil in its nursery .
2 Even though she is now my ex-wife , I 'm sure she will be pleased to refute this myth !
3 The girl from Tampa , Florida , has signed a long-term deal with Mark McCormack 's International Management Group even though she is still three months away from making her senior debut .
4 The Marquis of Blandford still has n't visited his estranged wife Becky , even though she 's critically ill in hospital after a hunting accident .
5 even though she 's already .
6 He 's much too good for Jenny even though she 's so stuck on him .
7 Even though she 's only 22 , she is very keen on safeguarding her future .
8 She says she feels she 's being punished even though she 's only trying to do what 's best .
9 Every female role he made was for his wife , even though she was well past her prime ; Semenyaka 's youth was wasted stepping into others ' shoes .
10 With a successful press conference behind him , he felt a new confidence in his ability to handle Marjorie , even though she was clearly well launched into one of her periods of being thoroughly tiresome .
11 Although most writers favour Melanie 's avarice as the cause of the delay , this is unlikely as the manuscript was not released , even though she was over 80 when she died , and her greed was thus left unsatisfied .
12 Up until the end she did everything herself , always walking alone even though she was over ninety years of age .
13 She refused to flinch , or back away , even though she was uneasily and acutely aware that his broad and mostly naked chest was a few dangerous inches from her own .
14 It was his nickname for her ; he had started calling her that when she was small and it had stuck even though she was now a respectable five-feet-seven .
15 He knew that Wolfgang 's old affection for Aloysia was not quite dead ( even though she was now married ) , and indeed Wolfgang had recently confessed as much — he truly had loved her , and even now she was not a matter of indifference to him .
16 Even though she was more than ‘ three score years and ten , ’ she did not hesitate when asked to go to South Africa to help in the education of young Africans .
17 Annie was real clever — even though she was only a little kid , like .
18 In view of Alain 's remarks on the subject she felt quite honoured , even though she was only given small tasks .
19 Mrs Margery Teasdale , of Guisborough , remembers the operas put on by Tippett , even though she was only seven or eight at the time .
20 The 15-year-old South Shields schoolgirl described it as ‘ pathetic ’ , even though she was only a second away from the record .
21 She faced the tragedy with courage , acting with dignity even though she was obviously in great distress .
22 Hilton is writing for a nun for whom Lectio is apparently impossible , even though she was obviously able to read .
23 She imagined him haggard and afraid , even though she was too far away to see his face clearly .
24 Paul also remembers that even though she was then only 15 , Sinead was desperate to join the band .
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