Example sentences of "even though [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was beginning to think that we 'd missed the boat , even though we knew in our heart of hearts that the Lord wanted us in some form of full-time capacity .
2 Gerry : Even though we talked about the report on ethnic minorities for a bit , more importantly we discussed setting up an independent Black group with our own structures and demands .
3 As we live on a rotating planet , we are all of us , because of this alone , always travelling at about 1,000 miles an hour all the time even though we appear to be stationary .
4 So why does a company with such a history of agility and skill remain tied to pots and pans even though they act as such a drag on its performance ?
5 Comments so far : I do n't really like membrane switches ; they have a vague , indistinct action , even though they help in keeping gig-type crud out of the workings .
6 This is true even though they bring to the search the knowledge they already possess about how spoken language works .
7 From these , it is clear that a buyer can be owner of the goods even though he has not paid for them and even though they remain in the seller 's possession .
8 A European Court of Justice ruling on July 21 was seen as opening up the possibility of EC citizens applying for social security benefits in the United Kingdom even though they lived outside the UK .
9 Even though they lived inside stone buildings , they furnished them like tents .
10 It was often difficult to dislike the gentle , painted hippies , even though they subscribed to a strange new communal , non-hierarchic lifestyle incorporating the unlawful use of ‘ dope ’ .
11 This was because those steps had been reasonable ones to take even though they had in the event aggravated the losses .
12 According to Dowie ( 1977 ) , this auto-company sold the Pinto model for a period of six years even though they knew from their own test researchers that the product , which had been rushed from design to production in the short period of twenty-five months instead of the planned forty-three , was dangerous .
13 Even though they come from low-wage jobs , unemployed people are usually financially hard-hit by job loss .
14 Notice that the relation between the dealer and finance company was not based upon agreement or exchange , even though they co-operated in securing sales .
15 and then it 'll be till Tuesday he 's already got some even though they got ta be sent out to the firm
16 The Insured considered the safety of the property and took precautions even though they transpired to be inadequate .
17 In a frank interview with the Mail on Sunday , Becky Blandford said that the Duke had called her a ’ filthy little scrubber ’ after she posed in lingerie for Tatler magazine … and complained that she and Jamie had not once been invited to dinner at the Palace even though they live on the estate .
18 Goldman 's defence was that , as a market-maker in MCC shares , it was exempted from having to disclose its holdings , even though they rose above the 3 p.c. threshhold above which investors other than market-makers must make public disclosure .
19 This may say something about Bridget Freemantle , that she did not stand on her dignity in her friendship with the poet , even though she came from a more genteel background , and was about the age of Leapor 's parents .
20 Even though she knew in her heart of hearts that this could never last , she felt as though she 'd reached a safe harbour after sailing in a vast , unfriendly sea .
21 Rory cried , feeling the weight of guilt settle on her shoulders like a suffocating cloak , even though she knew in her heart she could n't be held to blame for this tragedy .
22 She was able to organize her day so that even though she seemed to be less harassed than Maggie the meals were always delicious and on time .
23 Brought up in Kinlochewe , she had left thirty years ago and never been back even though she lived in Tain only sixty-odd miles to the east .
24 By discussion , planning and reviewing the achievements together , the worker was able to ensure that Mr Munro kept some hold on the situation , even though she acted as his agent to a large extent in undertaking most of the tasks .
25 Even though she quarrelled with your husband about motor cars .
26 She could n't move , even though she wanted to — it was heaven and hell being close again , even if they were enemies and the minutes were flying by , bringing their separation ever closer .
27 The aria ‘ He was despised ’ can be quite a drag in the wrong hands , but she succeeds in making it one of the highpoints of the Oratorio , even though she appears to be under attack from a boa constrictor half way through .
28 She was n't an actor , and she 'd never be able to fully comprehend what made the breed tick , even though she worked with their number practically every day .
29 In other words , the most difficult tasks found within any given layer are all characterized by the same type or category of complexity , just as water remains in the same liquid state from 0 degrees to 100 degrees Celsius , even though it ranges from very cold to very hot .
30 Was it simply incoherence on his part when he suggested that his ‘ science of history ’ , even though it allows for differentiated histories , still demands to be considered within a general concept of history ?
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