Example sentences of "may [be] [adj] to know that " in BNC.

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1 You may be pleased to know that all glass doors in Sri Lanka and India remained intact during my visit although there were one or two other incidents , of which more anon .
2 It may be helpful to know that the courts have treated the following as contracts of sale contracts : to make and supply ships ' propellers according to a specification , Cammell Laird v. Manganese Bronze & brass ( 1934 H.L. ) ; to prepare and supply food in a restaurant , Lockett v. A. & m .
3 Oh , and anyone with continuing misgivings about their Sid The Sexist humour may be relieved to know that the post-gig conversation is only punctuated by one harmless knob joke , which is — dare I say it — quite funny .
4 If you 're tired of typing all the time , you may be relieved to know that the keyboard could soon be a thing of the past , thanks to rapid developments in the world of pen based computing .
5 You may be surprised to know that there are as many as four different components to moral behaviour :
6 Readers may be interested to know that the money given will go towards nutritional programmes in one of the poorest areas of Cairo .
7 You may be interested to know that the name of every legator in recorded in a Book of Commemoration kept at our Headquarters .
8 Lovers of a good strong cuppa may be interested to know that there may be more caffeine in a cup of tea than in a cup of coffee .
9 MICHAEL Heseltine , the new Secretary of State for Trade & Industry may be interested to know that his powerful exhortations last week to vote Tory were unsuccessful with his daughter Annabel .
10 Bernard Dixon ( Forum , 24 February , p 534 ) may be interested to know that Jerome K. Jerome was a fellow sufferer .
11 And if , as I 'm certain once you visit here , you find you want to come back again , you may be interested to know that there is a way you can share in this magnificent Highland retreat , time after time .
12 Those of you who jet off to foreign parts for your hols and fly from Chamden airport , may be interested to know that your flight path probably heads out over The Welfare Field .
13 There is no indication as to why this name was chosen but you may be interested to know that a Grizzled Skipper is a butterfly that , unlike the Grizzled Skipper card , is not at all colourful .
14 You may be interested to know that in January 1993 , the total number of visitors to Winfrith Technology Centre was 1821 .
15 Indeed , we always try to give the benefit of the doubt , and the hon. Gentleman may be interested to know that in the last three years we have received 577 claims and have settled 372 of them .
16 The right hon. Gentleman may be interested to know that the Government are looking urgently with mortgage lenders at what further measures might be taken to protect those faced with repossession .
17 The House may be interested to know that , because we were seeking to look at the effect of NHS management reforms over the first six months , we did not draw attention to the fact that the number of people who have been waiting for more than one year on in-patient lists is 37 per cent .
18 Councillor talked about er spending levels and he may be interested to know that the N U T have done a recent survey of education spending and found to be sixty first out of a hundred L E A's surveyed , so that does n't quite stack up with some of his statistics .
19 The Royal is to be congratulated on introducing Direct Access Endoscopy , ( DAE ) , however your readers may be interested to know that Northern Board patients have enjoyed the benefit of DAE for some time .
20 Since there is a waiting list for places on the course for better driving , readers may be interested to know that groups affiliated to the Institute of Advanced Motorists hold such classes all over the country .
21 However , readers may be glad to know that Family and Youth Concern are hosting a one-day conference at the Wellington Park Hotel on 11th September , when Mrs Victoria Gillick , the arch-enemy of the Brook Advisory Centre will tell of her battle with this agency over the years .
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