Example sentences of "any given [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At any given level of expenditure £n it may wish to optimise its " mix " of expenditure on the various promotional methods available to it , so as to maximise the level of sales to be obtained at the level of promotional expenditure £n .
2 Nevertheless , the peripheral effects bring a marked benefit for the heart , since any given level of exercise requires less oxygen , and therefore a lower heart rate and blood pressure after exercise training than it did before .
3 This implies that the number of jobs associated with any given level of output in the economy will be smaller than it would have been without the technological advances .
4 In addition , if a property owner is manufacturing and selling goods in a competitive market he will be obliged to produce any given level of output of those goods at the lowest cost possible .
5 consider that in certain circumstances one would expect laterality scores to correlate with overall accuracy scores , they favour the use of an index of laterality that is independent of accuracy in the sense that the values which the index might take within the total range of values possible is not " constrained " by any given level of accuracy .
6 Realist science is a means of conceptual discovery based on the movement at any given level of analysis , from manifest phenomena to knowledge of the structures and mechanisms which generate them … .
7 The next stage is to choose the optimal level of output , for any given level of effort , the problem : Hence the manager will set price equal to marginal costs .
8 Tables are available in statistical texts showing the values of t for given probability levels , relating any given error of estimate to the probability of it being present .
9 Tables are available in statistical texts showing the values of t for given probability levels , relating any given error of estimate to the probability of it being present .
10 It was further submitted by Mr. Coghlan that it is important in this field that the law should be clear and simple : it is for a coroner to ask himself on any given state of fact whether he would describe the death as unnatural or not .
11 New machines , new technology introduced because it cuts production costs can indeed reduce the total demand for labor , that is , for the total number of jobs available in all sectors of the economy taken together at any given price of labor — in other words , at any given wage rate ( Leontief 1978 , 28 ) .
12 When the manufacturer charges a unit price somewhat above zero , the retailer sets a higher price for any given price of retailer 2 , leading to the reaction function and equilibrium at B. The same argument can be made for manufacturer 2 .
13 The rocks of the land have a smaller specific heat than water does , which means that any given amount of heat that falls upon them will raise their temperature more than that of water .
14 One of these predictions was that the number of galaxies or similar objects in any given volume of space should be the same wherever and whenever we look in the universe .
15 This knot shape therefore never varies for any given sequence of amino acids .
16 To understand how this could be involves some understanding of the representation problem , and to decide that any given pattern of behaviour has this character of being , as one might put it , ‘ biologically discouraged ’ requires one to be able to read the historical record .
17 There are many places which once were considerably advantaged economically due to the presence of an industry such as textiles , mining or in-shore fishing , but which today are greatly disadvantaged compared with certain other areas , at any given moment of time .
18 Alone , I could hide my inability , force myself to concentrate and to finish any given piece of work to the best of my ability , no matter how long it took me .
19 Physicians are more likely to admit old patients than young patients for any given severity of illness .
20 The various methods and media should be used to supplement each other in any given programme of education .
21 The MEI schedule is therefore the investment demand schedule , telling us the level of investment that will be undertaken at any given rate of interest .
22 At any given rate of interest investment demand will therefore be changing , which will reduce the closeness of any statistical fit between the interest rate and investment .
23 An outward shift of the MEI schedule ( see Fig. 14.1 above ) might then raise investment at any given rate of interest .
24 In terms of the earlier Fig. 14.1 , the MEI will shift leftwards and less investment will take place at any given rate of interest .
25 For any given supply of money ( M s ) there will be a particular equilibrium rate of interest at any one time : where the supply of money ( m s ) equals the demand for money ( L ) .
26 For any given supply of ice cream , your consumption reduces the quantity available for others to consume .
27 In a gate , the output is always the same for any given set of input conditions .
28 Such words cover a wide tempo area , and pace Neumann , minuets have the right to express themselves as they see fit ! , especially since ( 2 ) actual speeds associated with any given set of tempo words also cover a large tempo area .
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