Example sentences of "about [art] sort of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Not talking about material things , we 're talking about the sort of fall of nature ,
2 The list goes on , I mean can you , can you make any sort of judgement about the sort of money you 're going to raise , if , if all these people are going to be taking part ?
3 Oh , that was about the sort of price I was thinking of .
4 She also agreed to tell him each evening about the sort of day she had had while he was at work .
5 So I think we ought to have a chat about the sort of things he 's putting you on , and then what side effects or anything you might get from those , but
6 Erm how did that sort of perspective come about the sort of things could be theirs do you think ?
7 So there are a host of clues there if you like about the sort of things that people will actually do and these are all underlaid by an attitude .
8 Erm as far as the C C Q itself was concerned you , you gave an awful lot of information about the sort of things you were gon na look for when Martin said about , you know , what 's in it and it 's , it 's pretty big and what have you you mentioned a lot of subjects or a lot of technical jargon which may or may not have meant anything to the client rather than just say well , you know , some of it wo n't , may well not apply to you .
9 I think there 's one other thing that 's worth thinking about , and that is that many of our students come into the University for one-day schools , for lectures , for activities of this kind , and this gives an opportunity for a kind of reciprocal traffic , if you like , so that people outside who often have very odd ideas of what universities do and what they 're about and what they 're like , can actually see your University , participate in its activities , and we can see ordinary folk who sometimes ask the shrewdest questions and make sometimes what seem to be the most penetrating kinds of points about the sort of things that we take for granted .
10 You write to an imaginary friend , you 're inviting him down for the summer holidays and you say all that , all about the sort of things that you 're planning to do with them , make it up
11 At the same time , speak to your GP and ask about the sort of operation you had and the possibilities of reversal .
12 Laura gave Jacqui a clear brief about the sort of dresses and blouses she wanted and sent her to the Victoria and Albert Museum to research styles .
13 Obviously , to even arrive at this sort of description , it is necessary to have found out by one kind of research or another , and by the added use of imagination , a lot about the sort of customers the advertising is trying to attract .
14 ICI 's PLASTICS BUSINESS IS VERY clear about the sort of materials that it makes and sells .
15 This sport was not only about club meetings on Sunday afternoons , not only about the sort of races Mosley himself had driven in ; Formula Two all over Europe with Jim Clark , Jochen Rindt , Graham Hill and the rest , until Clark — the brilliant , beloved and lamented Scot — was killed at Hockenheim in 1968 .
16 There was little basic knowledge about the sort of diseases they normally suffered . "
17 The Government wants them to find out more about the sort of error that leads to tragedies such as the Chernobyl blast in Russia .
18 All the groups in the survey had a fixed idea about the sort of worker they would meet at the CAB : female , over 50 , middle or upper class and authoritarian .
19 ‘ The sessions not only pointed me in the right direction for obtaining information , they taught me a lot about the sort of questions I should be asking . ’
20 ‘ It 's about the sort of person I am , very laid back .
21 You can write about the sort of person you know well , or even are .
22 Children can be involved in the design of these and consulted about the sort of games that they would like to have organised for them in break times .
23 In my own area , I am sure we would all agree about the sort of journalism we all aspire to .
24 She said : ‘ I understand that bit , but I as sure as hell do n't understand you when you talk about the sort of girl I am .
25 Finally , our researchers carried out a survey about the sort of services the audience wanted the BBC to provide .
26 Finally , our researchers carried out a survey about the sort of services the audience wanted the BBC to provide .
27 Balcon could reasonably feel defensive about the sort of criticism of British cinema that began to appear from the Film Society milieu , particularly in the pages of Close Up , a journal founded in 1927 .
28 When Adeane left , Charles had definite ideas about the sort of man he wanted to replace him , but it was six months before the right man could be found .
29 David Irving is clearly likely to give a more sympathetic view of the Nazi regime than most , but Norman Stone has no doubts about the sort of man Goebbels was …
30 I heard them in the kitchen once , Mrs Donaldson and old Todd , going on about the sort of kid I was .
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