Example sentences of "have a major [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 Cauthen could have a major chance on Spritsail if that horse 's poor run at Ascot last week could be ignored .
2 The effect of energy efficiency improvements will have a major influence on the changing pattern of demand in the years to the end of the century .
3 Care also needs to be exercised when choosing a particular case management approach , to examine the existing service context into which it is to be placed since this can have a major influence on the success of the service .
4 That will have a major bearing on whether he travels over , ’ said the trainer .
5 Internal changes can also affect the development of the practice , for example , the resignation or retirement of partners and the appointment of new partners can have a major bearing on the vitality of the firm .
6 Trends in the US market could have a major bearing on Cairn 's prospects because of its share in the East Cameron discovery , in the Gulf of Mexico .
7 RON ATKINSON yesterday accused Norwich manager , Mike Walker , of ‘ absolute kidology ’ on the eve of a Carrow Road showdown that will have a major bearing on the destiny of the Premier League championship .
8 The airlines clearly believe that they can hang on to their lucrative business market despite evidence from France that high speed trains can have a major impact on travel preferences .
9 It will have a major impact on many areas of business life .
10 However , what happens in the Church of England can have a major impact on people outside it , as well as on regular church attenders , for a number of reasons .
11 Under nurse training the report points out that the changes in the development of primary and community health services will have a major impact on training , which regions will need to take into account .
12 Again to quote Hopwood ( 1984 , p. 179 ) : ‘ Accounting , by shaping the realm of the visible , can have a major impact on the significance that is attached to both organizational life as it is and the directions of change which are considered desirable . ’
13 The ‘ baseline ’ for comparison may have a major impact on these costs .
14 Although there was a significant reduction in ipsilateral neurological events in the group who had endarterectomy , these events included transient monocular blindness and transient ischaemic attacks , which do not necessarily have a major impact on patients ' wellbeing .
15 In many cases these activities have promoted gender-neutral policies and perhaps in the long term will have a major impact on some aspects of gender bias in schools .
16 In agriculture , biotechnology may have a major impact on crop yields — the yield from cassava in Africa could be quadrupled if the plant could be made resistant to African cassava mosaic virus .
17 It has already been suggested that if a terminus were built at Stratford East , it would have a major impact on the financial viability of the terminus at King 's Cross .
18 The proper handling of these expectations will have a major impact on the overall success of the company following the acquisition .
19 Although Levi promised to work to unite the party " in order to heal the wound " , commentators claimed that the affair had exposed deep divisions in the party which might have a major impact on the June 23 general election .
20 Clearly any proposal will have a major impact on the trunk road system .
21 Recent developments in the area of financial services will obviously have a major impact on this .
22 The new guidelines aim to give added protection to the countryside while at the same time promoting In drawing up the guidelines , planners accept that golf can have a major impact on countryside amenities , which , they claim , must be weighed against considerable economic and recreational benefit .
23 Dermot Gleeson , corporation board member , said : ‘ There is a greater awareness of the seriousness of the housing situation in the country as a whole and this investment will have a major impact on the region 's housing problems . ’
24 It accepted the recommendations of chief planning officer Tony Noble , who said the development could have a major impact on existing shopping centres .
25 Victor 's death at such a young age will not only be a tragedy for his family and friends but will have a major impact on many engaged in dealing with the increasing complexities of value added tax .
26 For example , a state enterprise may be subject to close parliamentary scrutiny by elected representatives , and this may have a major impact on the public image and hence the political vulnerability or strength of the enterprise .
27 How we throw this away can have a major impact on the environment .
28 Who you are and how you behave will have a major effect on the men and women who live there .
29 De La Rue chairman Peter Orchard comments : ‘ This does not have a major effect on the results of the company for the half year of for the previous year , but it does have the consequence of increasing marginally our earnings per share in both periods as the result of including within ordinary activities certain items previously classified as extraordinary . ’
30 Since temperature is simply a measure of the average energyr speedf the particles , this cooling of the universe would have a major effect on the matter in it .
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