Example sentences of "have be about [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The annual rate of loss by shipwreck or burning during the same period may have been about 4 percent .
2 I believe we lost them all the moment he began lying to me — which would have been about four hours after he first climbed into bed somewhere strange , with someone else .
3 It must have been about four years ago we 'd come .
4 It was about a year before we moved to Brisbane , so they must only have been about eight years old .
5 He must have been about fifty summers old , his copper-coloured face was lined , his swept back hair silver-grey , but the moustache and the neatly clipped beard still showed traces of a golden youth .
6 Father was given the rod by friends at West Linton , near Edinburgh , and it must have been about fifty years old at least , when it came into my possession .
7 It must have been about two yards deep and three yards across .
8 But when I looked at the date , my father could only have been about twelve year old you see , when these letters were written so it must have been my grandfather writing to Coventry and Birmingham for parts for the penny farthing bicycles which he worked on .
9 While visiting Wilton Abbey to see his prospective bride , Count Alan saw another lady who must have been about thirty years of age .
10 630 , when Oswiu would have been about 18 years of age , and Fín already at least 26 , or not long after .
11 Whilst we were still looking at the blaze , Marjorie Truckle ( Ernie 's sister ) , who would have been about thirteen years of age , came rushing across the field with a message from their mother —
12 He 's bowling with considerable pace there , did Lawrence , that wicket 's cheered him up and he was rushing in , he 's got his line right , round that off stump and plays a bit of a open face anyway , so those in the slip Gordon beware and the one that did get an edge , it flew through , both Ian Botham who 's at second and Graham Gooch , they both stand pretty close , they work on the theory that it 's better to drop them then to have them bouncing in front of you , but they could have been about five yards deeper in that , the one , that , that went flying through with the character .
13 After what seem an eternity , but which in reality could only have been about fifteen minutes , the paramedics from the county ambulance service arrived , and under David 's supervision the serious business of trying to lift Len out began .
14 ‘ My father tied with another man at an Old Newton furrow-drawing match : both had a quarter-inch deviation — it must have been about sixty years ago .
15 New Zealand also has the flightless kiwi ( its national symbol ) and was once dominated by the flightless moas , of which there could have been about 25 species .
16 The water came up to my cross-bar of my bike so it must have been about three feet deep .
17 No she still buys smooth erm I remember I must have been about three years old , it was when we were still up North and mummy was dashing out , it was breakfast time and she go easy on the peanut butter , there 's hardly any left .
18 Ealhfrith must have been about 20 years old at the time of the battle of the Winwaed , after which he became king of Deira , taking over the former territory of his cousin , Oethelwald .
19 ‘ There must have been about 30 pairs in the drawer but I just happened to pick the one with the money .
20 The date must have been about 12 May . ’
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