Example sentences of "into the [noun] together [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I take the cup into the kitchen together with my glass which I top up ; the alcohol is making my body hum .
2 You both went into the theatre together from the same drama school ?
3 Not until rock-drills became available which injected a spray of water into the shot-hole together with the air which expelled the dust , did drilling in siliceous rock become reasonably safe .
4 As she did both Ellie and Patsy stuck their hands into the jar together for the delicious looking cookies .
5 The finished garments went into the bag together with any unused balls and weighed again .
6 Bessarabia , a part of historic Moldavia between the Prut and Dniester rivers , came under Romanian rather than Soviet control from 1918 up to 1940 and again from 1941 to 1944 , when it was incorporated into the USSR together with other Moldavian territories as a constituent republic .
7 resulting in debris from the surroundings washing back into the pond together with water loss from the pond .
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