Example sentences of "some sense the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Paternalist assumptions were an aspect of the deeply entrenched feeling , which time and education were only slowly eroding , that legitimate rulers were in some sense the agents of God .
2 Just as Wernicke 's aphasia is in some sense the opposite of Broca 's aphasia , so transcortical aphasia is in some sense the opposite of conduction aphasia , because in transcortical aphasia it is repetition which is the best -preserved of the patient 's linguistic abilities , with the patient being extremely poor at understanding speech .
3 Just as Wernicke 's aphasia is in some sense the opposite of Broca 's aphasia , so transcortical aphasia is in some sense the opposite of conduction aphasia , because in transcortical aphasia it is repetition which is the best -preserved of the patient 's linguistic abilities , with the patient being extremely poor at understanding speech .
4 If so , we can allow that in some sense the value of the society is a matter of the values actualised in the distinct lives , while insisting that these values could only be actualised within just such a society .
5 The sacrilege lies in the desire on the part of the murderer to mutilate what we understand to be in some sense the image of God .
6 We noticed in our initial , cursory discussion of integrity in the last chapter that many of our political attitudes , collected in our instinct of group responsibility , assume that we are in some sense the authors of the political decisions made by our governors , or at least that we have reason to think of ourselves that way .
7 Each boxing match , Sartre claims , must be both a unique event and also in some sense the incarnation of all boxing , whose rules and conventions it follows , and whose past and future history it sets itself against .
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