Example sentences of "when i look [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When I look towards the Merchiston Castle here , I wonder what John Napier who lived here from 1550 to 1627 would have said could he see us today .
2 Some snatch of verse from a Jacobean tragedy flashed through his mind : ‘ When I look into the fishponds in my garden , methinks I see a thing , armed with a rake , that seems to strike at me . ’
3 The pretence that this is not so is what makes me sick , he wrote , when I look at the works of the past .
4 In addition , when I look at the plight of the millions of people who 've been made homeless recently because of flooding in other parts of the world , it does make me realize how lucky we are as a society that homelessness is still on a much smaller scale here than it is in some countries .
5 This sounds logical , but when I look at the Sega or Nintendo where there 's no piracy , you still have to pay a fortune for one single game .
6 ‘ So when I look at the books now and I see all the symbols and all the stuff they do , I think ‘ Well , I 've already played this , and I 'm not really interested in reading it ! ’
7 Now , when I look at the pictures of the car after the crash , with the passenger-side floor sill and roof crumpled and distorted and my seat moved forward — which helped trap me in the car — I wonder whether we chose the car on the correct criteria .
8 When I look at the Olympic fighters here I see several with good styles and professional potential who should make it to the top if they get with the right coaches . ’
9 When I look at the results of other development efforts , I have also not seen improvements in cost of maintenance .
10 When I look at the European Community I see foreign policy and internal security pillars and ask myself how well the Government have been able to keep them purely intergovernmental and how many commitments we are making that will damage British interests in the future .
11 And now when I look round the garden I can say that 's Diane and
12 I 'm not sure what I 'm aiming for when I look in the mirror .
13 Where was the little girl , or er younger I do n't want to make up because , but now I feeling I 'm aged it , I should be wearing some make up here , with just a feeling we should be , when I look in the mirror oh its getting old so
14 Now , when I look in the bin tomorrow I wan na see something to tell .
15 When I look upon the wall of my room , the wall does not act at all , nor is capable of acting ; the perceiving is an act or operation in me .
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