Example sentences of "when [pron] finally [vb past] to " in BNC.

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1 But when I finally got to bed again it was well into Monday morning and it was Monday afternoon when I surfaced and there was a policeman on the door and it had n't been a nightmare after all .
2 when I finally got to the start line at 9.41 am I started to pick my way through the crowd , with difficulty .
3 ‘ And you knew nothing about his family when you finally succumbed to his persuasion ? ’
4 When she finally went to the family planning clinic , the woman she saw was not very sympathetic , she said " What school do you go to ? " and when I told her she said " You 've really thrown away your chances . " "
5 But she was a cheery old sort , if a shade old-fashioned ( ‘ I am old enough to be your mother , Prime Minister' had gone down rather well ) , and when she finally shuddered to a halt , having gone through at least two red lights , she was rewarded with much applause .
6 The delicious things in the foil-covered dishes had long gone , we were getting drunk nightly on sweet German wine and tins of creamed rice were starting to look attractive , when we finally awoke to a day of brilliant sunshine .
7 A transcript of the tape-recording made in the restaurant was a central plank in the prosecution case when it finally came to court eighteen months later .
8 Grainne had known that when it finally came to it , she would be afraid — for I have never known anyone other than Fergus , and with Fergus it was so natural and so sweet — but she had not expected this sudden rush of tenderness .
9 When he finally returned to England in 1952 , an unreconstructed radical from the 1930s , he was appalled to discover that an acquiescent temper of mind , even Christianity itself , had returned to haunt a literary world he had once supposed forever cleared of the religious taint .
10 He had never seen that happen before , and decided to get it checked when he finally returned to England .
11 ‘ Sorry about no Berlin , ’ he said when he finally returned to the compartment .
12 When he finally returned to power , he was careful not to preside over the new Gaullist party , the UNR , in the same direct way that he had led the RPF .
13 The upper rooms were silent when he finally went to his own room , but before getting into bed he pushed his wedge of broken chair-leg under the door to keep the Bogeyman out .
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