Example sentences of "these include a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These included a general declaration , stating the ship 's name and registration , a crew list and maritime declaration of health which we signed , but did not have to complete .
2 These included a working group in Climatology which suggested ( NERC , 1976 ) :
3 These included a Venetian work of 1641 , La finta pazza by Francesco Sacrati , which was partly shorn of its music but brightened with fresh ballets by a French composer and striking stage-effects by a celebrated technician Giacomo Torelli , on 14 December 1645 , and Egisto in February 1646 .
4 These included a multiparty system , the resignation of the provincial LC leadership , equal rights for Kosovar Albanians , the release of political prisoners and an end to political trials , and the lifting of the state of emergency in the province ( imposed during the last serious disturbances in Kosovo in February-March 1989 — see pp. 36470 ; 36514-15 ) .
5 These included a massive bribery case — the Suso housing scandal — which led Roh to reshuffle his Cabinet and to appear on national television on Feb. 19 to apologize .
6 These included a pessimistic forecast from BZW , the stockbroking arm of Barclays Bank .
7 These included a green wax jacket , walking and rubber boots , tapes and a rug .
8 These included a high proportion of the householder appeals and of the minor and change of use appeals , but comparatively few major proposals .
9 These included a Croat-Slovene proposal ( backed by Bosnia and Macedonia ) for Yugoslavia 's transformation into an association of sovereign states .
10 Self-help and support groups have become popular in recent years , and the best of these include a skilled professional .
11 These include a major conference in July 1982 for representatives from each of the Major Project schools at that date , courses on study skills in fourth-year and fifth-year project work , half-day courses on study skills in relation to science for prospective Major Project schools , and two open courses on effective learning and study skills .
12 These include a heated swimming pool , sauna and solarium , crazy golf , Exmoor club in which you can enjoy free entertainment , a shop and ‘ Country Kitchen ’ restaurant , launderette , good bar food and take away meals .
13 These include a naval base , a composite air unit , a growing communications , intelligence collection , and logistics support infrastructure .
14 These include a unified system of penalties for smuggling people , the creation special units to deal with illegal migration , the exchange of information and unified border controls .
15 These include a macro lens at the touch of a button — great for capturing details of flowers — and a fully automatic built in flash which gives out a pre-flash emission to minimise ‘ red eye ’ .
16 These include a quarterly magazine and copies of minutes from General Assemblies and AGMs .
17 These include a new manual and information video .
18 These include a sensual terracotta of ‘ Zeus and Ganymede ’ of 1803–1805 , and a maquette for the marble portrait of the marquis de Tornay .
19 These include a patented fumigation system , electronic fly killers and sonic systems which deter bird flocks from roosting on particular buildings .
20 These include a dedicated engine test facility , rolling road and ageing and evaluation cells as well as SCAT ( Simulated Catalytic Activity Testing ) analytical benches .
21 These include a different position for the face of the nude woman ; a different colour for the drapery of the clothed woman ( originally red , now white ) and less of it ; and more figures — now difficult to read precisely — at the left hand side of the composition .
22 These include a permanent exhibition of contemporary science , showing ‘ what science is today , how it is being applied , and where it is going ’ , Bray said .
23 These include a biological reductionism applied to gender roles , a presumption that women belong in the family but hardly anywhere else , and a ‘ functionalist ’ analysis of the family and its connections with the rest of society .
24 The most significant of these include a multi-million dollar American military programme for fibre-optic gyro systems , and retrofit business , again in the United States , for fuel gauging equipment .
25 In Mr Clifford 's case , these include a starring role on the front page of newspapers and a cast-iron guarantee that a reputation as a woman of doubtful values will follow .
26 In Scotland these include a special campaign to make the carrying of knives an offence ; the use of bullet-proof video cameras as a method of town centre surveillance ; and , most widely applied of all , a curb on late-night licences .
27 All fats are made up of fatty acids : some of these are saturated fatty acids ( called saturates ) , the rest are unsaturated and these include a special group called polyunsaturated fatty acids ( or polyunsaturates ) .
28 These include a special edition of the journal , Work , Employment and Society ( December 1991 ) and a forthcoming book , bearing the conference title , with Berg Press .
29 These include a considerable number of American or Dominion visitors to the Lake District .
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