Example sentences of "just as [pron] 'd [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Grimwood reports Newman did arrive and spoilt their act just as they 'd got Lennox to agree to sign .
2 So I gave you a topic sport or a hobby or an interest that you had and you produced a thought pattern for that just as we 'd done in the practice one with the subject of water , but then we moved on a stage further to get what are called a structured thought pattern .
3 So er says right , I 'll see you later , and just as we 'd gone away Joke got back out the car er , and she says do n't worry about the money .
4 Just as we 'd closed the window and were breathing a sigh of relief there was a loud knock on the door .
5 The house was just as I 'd left it — just as you 'd left it .
6 Com , coming out the back tell me how just as I 'd gone by the door and er
7 It 's too bad , just as I 'd plucked up … . ’
8 Creamstick 's house was just as I 'd pictured :
9 As we spoke , a car drew up in the carport ( which incidentally was still just as I 'd built it 15 years ago ! ) and to our astonishment ( because the ownership had changed since we sold it ) the lady recognised us ( she 'd been given our Edinburgh address by a mutual friend and had actually called on us once , which we 'd totally forgotten ! ) .
10 Imagine my shock when , just as I 'd begun thumping the bottom of the big brown pot , I chanced to look inside the bin and there , half buried in rubbish , was Cymbeline 's red plastic teapot .
11 Needless to say , they went straight to the police , just as I 'd done when I received that first threat .
12 The house was just as I 'd left it — just as you 'd left it .
13 The room was just as I 'd left it , except that it was different .
14 The wedding-dress was in the faded green trunk , just as he 'd imagined it in the night .
15 Just as he 'd gone out of his way to bait Lotta by kissing her , Gina , so passionately !
16 She was stuck here , it seemed , for good or bad , until Monday , just as he 'd said .
17 He did n't always win , and occasionally he came a cropper — just as he 'd done at Masons ' gates a few days before .
18 Pouring the wine , just as he 'd done for Marianne Novaks .
19 She was looking about her , her eyes taking in everything , just as he 'd taught her .
20 She watched him undress just as he 'd watched .
21 A Ferrari , just as she 'd imagined .
22 He could see the end coming , and it was just as she 'd said ; the friends he 'd made and lost , and the women that he wished he 'd known better .
23 But it was just as she 'd expected .
24 The telephone had rung just as she 'd finished washing her hair , so it had dried all wild and was now held back with an orange-and-shocking-pink striped scarf , off which Ethel had chewed one of the corners .
25 She 'd felt drawn to her , just as she 'd found herself drawn to all Roman 's family , including Salvo and his wife Sofia , and their tiny new baby , snuggled sleepily in its carry-cot , blissfully oblivious to the world around it .
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