Example sentences of "just [subord] [pron] 'd [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 And squatting in what little shelter there was beside the door , just where she 'd expected him , Farquhar Neas .
2 I was really looking forward to the 1961 Birkdale Open , and not just because we 'd gone so close the year before , though I was dying to get another chance to go one better this time .
3 And then we changed things like the name because we found somebody 's name in all these words , somebody , and we just sellotaped it down , and at the end when we were running out of time , and we did about three times have a look at the time , we did change the script slightly to fit the words that we 'd found so we had responsibilities instead of , I do n't know what it was , but instead of another words , just because we 'd found it .
4 Just because he 'd said he would like to see her in red .
5 Just because she 'd made one mistake …
6 And she was n't such a push-over she was going to melt just because she 'd fallen in love with a man with a heart of ice .
7 It 's funny how you can spend every minute of every day with someone , and then never see her for weeks on end , just because you 'd stopped even thinking about her .
8 I was very happy there , not just because I 'd won but also because the crown was very nice to me and I saw lots of Portuguese people .
9 perhaps that was just because I 'd got up .
10 One time he went to the wrong house just after they 'd moved .
11 This album was actually recorded back in 1990 , just after we 'd played with Lloyd Cole , so we 'd got to know each other pretty well .
12 It was just after we 'd heard about Mary .
13 But the amazing thing was that , just after we 'd recorded our bit for the Gardeners ' World programmed , I spotted a couple of butterflies fluttering around the garden .
14 And it was just after he 'd flicked through one of them that Detective Constable Hodges ( blast his eyes ! ) had come in , walked over to the newspaper stall , and picked up the top copy but one from the Daily Mirror pile .
15 Its completely out of character for Rocky to have said this … probably some 3rd rate hack cornered him just after he 'd learnt hed been dropped .
16 Fascinated , I finally waylaid Dr Allott in the street one day , just after he 'd paid us a visit , and I plucked up courage to ask him what these strange words meant .
17 At least out here they had to play according to some sort of standard of fairness , even if it was a standard they could change as they went along according to how it suited them ( like doubling the bus fares just after he 'd found that job way out in Brentford ) , but in prison , even more so than in a mental hospital , there were no real limits to what they could do to him .
18 And I said oh when was that and she said just after you 'd gone to the bank and I said oh I 've just spoken to him .
19 And then , just after I 'd fallen asleep , as I thought , there was the damned organ moaning away and it was 6 a.m. again .
20 Just after I 'd stepped under the shower , I heard him come up behind me .
21 Just after I 'd finished at college , I went along to someone 's party and I remember telling this girl who I was chatting up that I played bass .
22 And her speaking so close with her brother , just after she 'd seen Marion the first time !
23 Perhaps somebody decided to enter a religious order just after she 'd bought a whole new wardrobe … = I shall have to wear them obviously — it will teach me a rather curious and special kind of humility .
24 Yesterday evening , just before she 'd bolted to the safety of her bedroom , he really had seemed different , more … relaxed , human .
25 ‘ Grimwood reports Newman did arrive and spoilt their act just as they 'd got Lennox to agree to sign .
26 So I gave you a topic sport or a hobby or an interest that you had and you produced a thought pattern for that just as we 'd done in the practice one with the subject of water , but then we moved on a stage further to get what are called a structured thought pattern .
27 So er says right , I 'll see you later , and just as we 'd gone away Joke got back out the car er , and she says do n't worry about the money .
28 Just as we 'd closed the window and were breathing a sigh of relief there was a loud knock on the door .
29 The house was just as I 'd left it — just as you 'd left it .
30 Com , coming out the back tell me how just as I 'd gone by the door and er
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