Example sentences of "did not feel [that] the " in BNC.

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1 Rousseau 's tactics in doing battle with ‘ Reason ’ were very simple ; he rejected its validity altogether , and appealed to the emotions — he did not feel that the dictates of Reason and science were true .
2 He did not feel that the 15 day limit for minutes of the final meeting and responses to issues brought up at it was inadequate .
3 According to paragraph 25 of its report , the Committee did not feel that the gas pipeline was dependent on the form of privatisation that we have proposed .
4 However , on April 3 Sainsbury announced that , despite improvements , the UK government did not feel that the changes justified renewed membership .
5 ‘ However , we were n't able to make that recommendation — although the geology is unusual and the forests have been opened up by gold miners , it is n't under desperate threat and we did n't feel that the area was of particular conservation value . ’
6 It was very wet , getting worse , and I did n't feel that the patient could tolerate sitting out flood waters , so we moved as fast as we could . ’
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