Example sentences of "said yesterday that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The pit 's banker , the Bank of Scotland , said yesterday that the consortium 's overdraft remained frozen .
2 Hill Samuel said yesterday that the plan to put Ferranti 's naval and avionics businesses into a separate company and to merge it with another UK defence company , thought to be Thorn EMI , is to be investigated further .
3 PRESIDENT Franois Mitterrand , the first head of state of the wartime Allies to visit East Germany , said yesterday that the existence of two sovereign German states could not be ‘ abolished at a stroke ’ .
4 One EC official said yesterday that the problem of fraud involving the Vatican had been understood for several years , and that attempts were being made to stamp it out .
5 Allan MacLeod , the manager , said yesterday that the portfolio 's weighting in Hong Kong had been trimmed from 42 per cent to 24 per cent in the course of the year .
6 The Department of Education and Science said yesterday that the Government had spent £19.7m on CTCs and there was a further planned expenditure over the next three years of £106.2m .
7 Mr Bomont said yesterday that the university had been extremely sympathetic and understanding .
8 In the Commercial Union building alone almost three acres — 2,000 panes — of toughened glass must be replaced , according to Mr Ray Morley , a marketing manager of the insurance firm , who said yesterday that the building would be out of service for a year .
9 A spokesman for the club said yesterday that the players realised the serious nature of their action , but that they wanted their fate in their own hands .
10 Iain Matheson , a Customs and Excise spokesman in Glasgow , said yesterday that the find off Ullapool represented a growing problem .
11 With a combined weekly circulation for the various editions of just under 24,000 , the company 's managing director Robert Read said yesterday that the decision to seek printers elsewhere was taken because the company just could not justify spending around 2m ( pounds ) on new printing machines in Aberystwyth .
12 The Department of Trade and Industry , which is responsible for firework safety , said yesterday that the decision to examine how casualty figures were collated had come as a result of a meeting with local authorities .
13 Clearly rattled at the prospect of a confrontation with the spiritual father of 52 million US voters , the White House said yesterday that the Church ‘ is playing a very serious and constructive role ’ .
14 BBA 's board said yesterday that the remainder of the proceeds of the one-for-four rights issue at 142p a share , plus the recently-announced sale of BBA 's stake in Pacific BBA , would be used to cut borrowings .
15 The government and the ANC proposed after talks last week to hold the two-day planning conference next week , but Mr Meyer said yesterday that the ANC had accepted the new date .
16 He said yesterday that the share of urban land in the South-east would grow by about 1 per cent , at the expense of rural land .
17 THE NUNS in Northamptonshire who are battling to save their 5,000 chickens from slaughter said yesterday that the Ministry of Agriculture had changed its story over the type of salmonella responsible for the outbreak of food poisoning which led to the flock being tested .
18 The Shetland Salmon Farmers Association said yesterday that the compensation system meant to save the industry from financial hardship was not yet working .
19 Mr Ayers said yesterday that the excavation had revealed two massive stone abutments , one at each end of the bridge , whose design and diagonal markings were clearly medieval .
20 STUART Gulliver , chairman of the Glasgow Development Agency , said yesterday that the processes of economic growth and job creation in the city had become separated and that it was essential to reestablish the ‘ umbilical cord , ’ writes John Hatfield .
21 COMMISSIONER Abel Matutes , visiting Gulf Cooperation Council states , said yesterday that the EC and GCC were discussing the possibility of a trade agreement as a step toward free trade .
22 COMMISSIONER Abel Matutes , visiting Gulf Cooperation Council states , said yesterday that the EC and GCC were discussing the possibility of a trade agreement as a step toward free trade .
23 A spokesman said yesterday that the company promised ‘ a lifetime 's use ’ if the CDs were manufactured correctly .
24 A spokesman for Nestle UK said yesterday that the company does not manufacture or sell infant formula in Britain .
25 Peter Evans , the first non-family chairman to be appointed to the liqueur company when he joined late last year , said yesterday that the company had spent considerable time evaluating its needs in the light of its decision to focus on its core business , the production of Drambuie Liqueur .
26 However , council leader Iain Coleman said yesterday that the council would oppose ground-sharing .
27 John Payson , who sent the picture for sale at Sotheby 's , said yesterday that the bidding had gone well past his minimum .
28 I see from today 's Financial Times that a leading member of the board of the Bundesbank said yesterday that the Maastricht summit was a failure and might prove to be ’ a suicidal failure ’ — serious words from a key member of the body that drew up the detailed proposals for European economic and monetary union .
29 But one insider said yesterday that the banks could deal the scheme a mortal blow if they continued to up the price .
30 The Scottish sports minister , Sir Hector Monro , said yesterday that the number of incidents gave cause for universal concern and placed a strain on mountain rescue services .
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